The Best Business Mapping Software Alternative

to Build Business Maps and Perform Market Analysis – Take a FREE 1-month Trial

Businesses in many industries rely on mapping software to gather intelligence, make strategic decisions and optimize their workflows. However, some of the most popular mapping software programs are expensive, outdated, or limited in their scope — significant drawbacks for smaller operations relying on them for an advantage against more established competitors.

MapBusinessOnline is different. Our easy to use business mapping software is one of the most advanced on the market today. It’s also highly affordable. The perfect sales territory mapping solution for industrial sales organizations seeking to drive accountability while focusing on selling. Use it as an alternative to:

  • MapPoint
  • Google Maps Engine
  • Mapitude
  • BatchGeo
  • Badger Mapping

MapBusinessOnline contains all the tools you need to run a smarter business in a streamlined, easy-to-use package. Keep reading to learn why it’s the better option for your organization.

What Can You Do with MapBusinessOnline?

MapBusinessOnline lets you import, plot and analyze location-based customer data. With customer addresses plotted, you can:

  • Design and manage sales territories that optimize your team’s productivity
  • Discover who — and where — your competitors are – and where they are not
  • Target specific areas, businesses, and people with unique marketing campaigns
  • Access the included census data to create informative and compelling demographic maps
  • Identify, symbolize and color code the locations of critical resources
  • Create optimized multi-stop vehicle routes

And more! MapBusinessOnline is an online business mapping tool that provides large and small businesses with the ability to visualize their address enabled business data against accurate maps of the US, Canada and the UK. It offers advanced territory mapping driving accountability, efficiency and even team collaboration into your work environment.

Why It’s a Better Option

Compare MapBusinessOnline to the alternatives, and it’s easy to see why it has become the preferred business map solution for a growing number of large industrial enterprises, service enterprises, and small businesses:

  • MapPoint: Unlike MapPoint, MapBusinessOnline uses only the most current Census data, street level data, and is fully supported on all Windows and Mac devices. It’s also cloud-based, making it more convenient for on-the-go marketing managers. No clunky reinstalls.
  • Google Maps Engine: Google terminated support for its Maps Engine platform in January 2016, leaving many businesses in search of a replacement. Unlike Google, MapBusinessOnline’s sole focus is business mapping software and customer support will always be a priority for MBO.
  • Mapitude: Many Mapitude users complain about the software’s steep learning curve. MapBusinessOnline is a simple, streamlined alternative that’s far more intuitive. Online help and team user management support are available when needed. Don’t build your maps from scratch, just start mapping with MapBusinessOnline.
  • BatchGeo: MapBusinessOnline contains more advanced tools for working with data than BatchGeo. It’s also more affordable, with a variety of subscription options that allow you to choose the best level of service for your organization.
  • Badger Mapping: Badger is good at luring you in, but not so good at mapping. Access truly advanced territory mapping tools available in MapBusinessOnline. Create hierarchical territory maps that reflect your business’ selling structure.

Ready to see for yourself why MapBusinessOnline is the best alternative business mapping software on the market? Sign up for your free one-month trial today.

Learn How Our Customers are Succeeding with MapBusinessOnline

"Truly the easiest business mapping application I have ever used."

Chad Seaverns
National Sales Manager

Prison Fellowship — Prison Fellowship® trains and inspires churches and communities-inside and outside of prison-to support the restoration of those affected by incarceration. PFM uses MapBusinessOnline Team Edition to create a variety of maps that track the placement of constituents and describe the demographic background of placement areas for further study and understanding.

"We love MBO, especially the ability to share maps with non-license holders for viewing!"

Business Manager
Prison Fellowship

"MapBusinessOnline is an amazing tool that I use every week. When you are creating zip code footprints and trying to determine what zip codes fall within a range of a business, this tool couldn't be any easier to use. There's actually so many functions that are great but specifically I use MapBusinessOnline to create either a mile radius or a drive time radius from a business location. I then use that radius to determine which zip codes fall within the radius. Why is this important? Because I then export the zip codes and use another software that gets me exact counts of how many people fall within that radius in those zip codes. It's Amazing!

I highly recommend this software!"

Chris Farcher
The Mailworks
Account Manager

Popular MapBusinessOnline features

Build fast map visualizations of your business data

Map business data from various sources by street address, city name, ZIP code, or latitude and longitude. Plot 250,000 or more locations on a map at once. All you need to start is a spreadsheet with business data.

Design and visualize sales territories

Use our sales territory mapping software to create sales territories by ZIP code, county, or state. Aggregate demographics and sales data by territory. Search business data inside sales territories. Highlight territory overlap.

Plan customers visits with optimized routing

Use maps to identify customers within a radius or polygon. Optimize visits sequence and generate turn-by-turn driving directions. Reduce travel costs. Improve ROI and productivity.

Display business data against demographic maps

Categorize geographic areas by population or household income. Explore new markets, business patterns, or social trends against color coded Census maps for business and competitor analysis.

Perform Market Analysis for multiple sites

Search & segment data from multiple centers. Generate market area profiles. Find nearest store or pick up locations. Batch calculate distances, as well as driving times to multiple locations. Aggregate demographic data. Enrich a dataset with demographic or geographic variables.

Draw custom graphics and annotate maps

Draw circles, rectangles, polygons, and lines. Choose from a selection of line styles and fill colors. Identify map locations with text. Draw market areas and sales territories. Customize your business map.

Visualize business data on map with various symbols

Assign specific symbols, colors, and sizes to your data points on map. Choose from a wide variety of symbols or create your own. Visually define customers and prospects across multiple locations using symbols color coding.

Illustrate business data on map with charts

Graphically depict your business data on a map using pie or bar charts. Use charts to show sales by product, invoices due vs. paid, products ordered vs. shipped, and sales by customer demographics.

Emphasize customers density with heat maps

Highlight market areas that generate more business. Visually compare map areas for business potential. Select from a variety of heat map colors and options.

Print large format map views

Print large maps to use in presentations and project plans. Save maps as PDF files to print as large as 60” x 60” customer maps. Supports multiple pages option to use your home or office printer for large wall maps.

Share business maps

Create interactive maps and share with friends, colleagues, dealers, customers, prospects or vendors. Share territory maps. Email saved JPEG and PNG files or embed map files in PowerPoint presentations. Includes PDF export for larger print formats.