Create Custom Maps That Meet Your Unique Business Challenges

to Create Custom Business Maps with MapBusinessOnline – Take a FREE 1-month Trial

Your business is like no other, and at MapBusinessOnline we understand that. We offer an affordable, user-friendly software solution that allows you to create custom maps to meet your unique business needs. Use our mapping software to build interactive web maps that enable you to communicate critical business information with colleagues, develop effective business strategies and gain a better understanding of the challenges that can impact your operation.

Create a Custom Map to Visualize Your Business Data

Excel spreadsheets are fantastic tools for compiling and categorizing business data. Our mapping software enables you to “see” your data geographically. Work with demographic data, zip code information and imported business datasets to create custom maps that display prospects, customers, competitors, sales territories and more. Using maps to visualize your data helps you detect patterns, opportunities and even threats that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Custom Maps Help You Operate More Efficiently

Creating custom maps can help improve the efficiency of your operation and can have a positive impact on your bottom line. If you’re a sales professional, you can develop optimized multi-stop routes that enabling you to see more customers while reducing travel expenses and driving down fuel costs. Managers in businesses of all types can use our interactive maps to allocate limited resources more effectively.

Custom Mapping Software to Match Your Workflow

Our mapping software is loaded with easy-to-use features that allow you to customize maps to match business work processes. Use color-coding to develop heat maps or density maps. Import preformatted sales territories or create territories from scratch. Import your business data and symbolize to reflect your business classifications or categories. You can even import your own customized symbol sets. You also have the flexibility to draw free-form graphics and territories. The MapBusinessOnline comfortable user interface makes it a breeze to create custom maps that serve your specific business purposes.

Sign Up for Your Free 30-Day Trial Today

Our software solutions are backed by more than 18 years of business mapping experience and world-class customer support. Discover how easy it is to create custom maps with our mapping software.

Register for your no-risk MapBusinessOnline FREE trial today!

Learn How Our Customers are Succeeding with MapBusinessOnline

MVP Sports Clubs is a sports and health facility management and development company with operations in Central Florida and West Michigan. MVP uses MapBusinessOnline to construct demographic map profiles of a radius surrounding each of their many sports clubs. Such market analysis helps MBO users develop a better understanding of their business which makes strategic planning more effective.

"MBO users develop a better understanding of their business which makes strategic planning more effective."

Mark Hope
Business Manager
MVP Sports

A leading provider of automated storage and retrieval systems, Kardex Remstar has a multi-layered distribution network in North America. Mapping regional sales territories and sales districts using ZIP codes and states. Kardex Remstar tapped into MBO territory creation services to make the process quick and easy. Detailed ZIP code tables were converted by MapBusinessOnline into multiple maps describing their distribution network, sales coverage by customer segment, and product maps.

"The product is phenomenal and the support even better."

Sales Manager

One of many international companies left hanging by Microsoft’s cancelation of MapPoint and turning to MapBusinessOnline for a MapPoint replacement. Multiple departments across the enterprise utilize business mapping for a variety of applications including claims management analysis, insurance related operational planning, and market analysis. An extremely detailed procurement and security review lead to a contract for MapBusinessOnline services. Corporate accounts use MBO for sales territory mapping, collaborative Team editing, and communicating with maps.

Top Ten Property & Casualty Insurer

Popular MapBusinessOnline features

Build fast map visualizations of your business data

Map business data from various sources by street address, city name, ZIP code, or latitude and longitude. Plot 250,000 or more locations on a map at once. All you need to start is a spreadsheet with business data.

Draw custom graphics and annotate maps

Draw circles, rectangles, polygons, and lines. Choose from a selection of line styles and fill colors. Identify map locations with text. Draw market areas and sales territories. Customize your business map.

Print large format map views

Print large maps to use in presentations and project plans. Save maps as PDF files to print as large as 60” x 60” customer maps. Supports multiple pages option to use your home or office printer for large wall maps.

Share business maps

Create interactive maps and share with friends, colleagues, dealers, customers, prospects or vendors. Share territory maps. Email saved JPEG and PNG files or embed map files in PowerPoint presentations. Includes PDF export for larger print formats.

Visualize business data on map with various symbols

Assign specific symbols, colors, and sizes to your data points on map. Choose from a wide variety of symbols or create your own. Visually define customers and prospects across multiple locations using symbols color coding.

Color code maps by ZIP code, county, or state

Import business data by ZIP code to show it geographically. Create colorful maps for business analysis that connect real Census data to locations on the ground.

Illustrate business data on map with charts

Graphically depict your business data on a map using pie or bar charts. Use charts to show sales by product, invoices due vs. paid, products ordered vs. shipped, and sales by customer demographics.

Emphasize customers density with heat maps

Highlight market areas that generate more business. Visually compare map areas for business potential. Select from a variety of heat map colors and options.

Display business data against demographic maps

Categorize geographic areas by population or household income. Explore new markets, business patterns, or social trends against color coded Census maps for business and competitor analysis.

Create state or regional map views

Filter map view to show only selected states or regions. Create local maps that display only certain counties or ZIP codes from your market area or within a radius.

Create powerful reports and presentations with maps

Embed map images into reports. Use interactive maps for effective presentations. Export map as PDF to create large wall maps.