Advanced Market Analysis Tools
MapBusinessOnline Market Analysis provides marketing pros and business planners with easy access to six analysis tools for multiple location spatial queries, demographic and sales data analysis, and distance calculation that enhance market intelligence. There is also optional access to industry-specific business listing data that can be leveraged for market analysis.
Search & Segment Data from Multiple Centers
Search data around multiple locations within imported location-based datasets. For instance, find all customers within a distance of multiple stores. Add results as marketing lists or generate territories. Create hundreds of drive time polygons or circles around designated "Store" location points. Search all store points for surrounding customer data within a specified radius and export the results to a CSV file. Match patients to medical centers, interested prospects to planned events, or product owners to repair locations.
Retail Expansion Planning – Marketing Campaign Development – Sales Territory Alignment
Find the Nearest Stores or Pickup Locations
Find multiple nearest locations, from one dataset to each location in a second dataset. Determine nearest locations based on driving distance, time, or straight-line calculations. Convert analysis results into territories supporting your sales organization. For example, organize the nearest customers to sales representative home locations, into sales territories.
Great for Retail Analysis – Facility Location Planning – Direct Mail Marketing
Aggregate Customer Data
Aggregate customer data and related sales activities within a specified radius of each store location.
Analyze marketing campaign results and call-to-action responses based on geographic circulation data.
Assess business sector customer sizes within a proximity of brick and mortar store locations.
Retail Chain Analysis – Develop Market Profiles – Manage Customer Lists
Batch Calculate Distances and Drive Times
Use MapBusinessOnline to analyze the driving distances and times between all points in one or two datasets.
Expansion planning – Strategic Planning – Logistics Planning
Summarize Demographic Data
Summarize demographic data within a specified radius. Easily append business data with multiple demographic categories based on search results from multiple locations. Access Map Business Online's comprehensive library of demographic data.
Site Selection Analysis – Expansion Planning – New Product Market Assessments
Enrich a Dataset with Demographic or Geographic Variables
Add MapBusinessOnline map layer information to imported data. Easily append ZIP code, City Limits, County, State, MSA, Census tract data to target datasets. Add multiple map layers and demographic categories to your analysis.
Outbound Campaign Planning – Marketing Planning – Territory Assessments
Turn MapBusinessOnline Market Analysis into Your Analysis Toolkit
MBO users can combine any of the above market analysis functions to prepare complex data for business analysis. Combine the scope of multiple center-point analysis with the power of driving time and driving distance analysis. Append your imported marketing datasets with demographic data and geographic layers. Apply multiple radii or drive time polygons to your marketing map views.
Let MapBusinessOnline Pro Market Analysis inform your marketing strategy and get that competitive edge you've been looking for.
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- Find nearest store or pickup locations
- Search and segment data from multiple centers
- Aggregate customer data
- Summarize demographics for multiple locations
- Enrich a dataset with demographic or geographic variables
- Batch calculate distances and drive times, single dataset
- Batch calculate distances and drive times, two datasets
- Batch calculate distances and drive times, single location
- More...
Popular MapBusinessOnline features
Perform Market Analysis for multiple sites

Color code maps by ZIP code, county, or state

Use maps to create marketing campaigns

Add drive time polygons to your market analysis tools

Create powerful reports and presentations with maps