MapBusinessOnline Supports a Wide Variety of Industries

to Open the Power of Mapping Software Today! – Take a FREE 1-month Trial

Critical business data often includes a geographic component. Businesses from every sector are enhancing their work flows and decision making processes with business mapping. Location based visualizations add real value to general business analysis. The power of where can enhance market analysis, sales planning, operation planning, and strategic analysis.

MapBusinessOnline offers a comprehensive suite of business mapping software that provides all sorts of companies with the data visualizations and geographic analysis tools that lead to a deeper understanding of their business.

Industries That Benefit From Business Mapping Software

From small businesses with just a few workers to large corporations with thousands of employees, location intelligence can help your organization grow business and gain a competitive edge. MBO enhances decision-making skills, helps solve complex business problems, and improves customer engagement and satisfaction. Businesses across all industries can benefit from MapBusinessOnline technology, including:

  • Industrial & Manufacturing
  • Healthcare
  • Services
  • Banking & Finance
  • Energy
  • Franchising
  • Government
  • Insurance
  • Non-profit
  • Oil & Gas
  • Real Estate
  • Retail
  • Telecommunication
  • Transportation
  • Travel
  • Utilities

Read More About MBO’s Top 3 Industries Today:

Industrial & Manufacturing - Services - Healthcare

Organizations across all industries use business mapping software to perform a variety of business analysis:

  • Conduct demographic analysis
  • Visualize sales and competitor data by location
  • Make informed decisions about market potential, site selection, and operations
  • Identify your most profitable customers, so you can locate more customers like them
  • Help field associates be more productive and drives down travel costs
  • Define and create sales territories and coverage areas
  • Communicate with your constituents using interactive, low-cost web maps
  • Set-up teams of collaborative map editors for problem solving
  • Enhance strategic planning with location intelligence

How to Use Business Mapping Software in Your Company

Many companies continue to rely on Excel spreadsheets to manage contacts, sales commission and other aspects of company business. While you may have accounting systems or CRM software, once you import your data into a business mapping solution and visualize the data on a map, you’ll immediately understand the advantages of location-based technology.

You only need a few mapping features to start visualizing customers, identifying patterns and assigning accountability based on location information. Start simple with basic customer analysis. For example, perform a radius search to find the number of customers or prospects within 10 miles, 20 miles or 50 miles of a key location. Evaluate your data against ZIP codes, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, counties, or demographic data such as population, gender, age or income.

Try Our Real Estate Mapping Software With No Risk

Find out for yourself how MapBusinessOnline mapping software can enhance the performance of your sales team and overall company! Register now to receive our 1-month, risk-free trial offer.

Learn How Our Customers are Succeeding with MapBusinessOnline

"This software is a game changer for me in the workplace. Easy to use tools and a fast system to do the job efficiently and effectively every time. I’ve been able to build more territories with confidence, bringing my team more growth opportunities for 2019"

Daina C.
Franchise Development Manager
Amada Franchise, Inc.

The Alternative Board (TED), an advisory board creation service for business of all types and sizes, used MapPoint to import customer locations, create and manage territories, and for visual market analysis. When MapPoint left them high and dry, they began looking for a MapPoint replacement. This process led them to MapBusinessOnline.

Over a period of a few weeks MapBusinessOnline shared several online web demo that showed exactly how MapBusinessOnline would replace and improve upon the mapping technology TED had become used to. The Alternative Board recently renewed their Map Business Online subscription for another year.

The Alternative Board

DPS is the leading provider of timely, relevant and motivational promotional materials for automotive dealerships. Their business strategies drive customer loyalty and sales revenues. Their sales manager uses MBO to create and manage sales territories and describes MBO this way,

"The product is phenomenal and the support even better."

Dealer Product Services (DPS)