Proximity Search for Your Business
Find Nearest Store Location for each customer using straight line distance, driving distance or driving time. Calculate driving distances for all location pairs across two datasets or between locations in a single dataset. Available in MapBusinessOnline Pro only.
- NEW! Find Nearest Locations. Find up to 20 nearest stores sorted by proximity to each customer location in a dataset! Build fully exportable, segmented reports, of point-to-point driving times or driving distances. Define Proximity Searches that support your business's unique sales and marketing requirements:
- The nearest Store to each Customer
- The nearest Distribution Center to each Point-of-Sale location
- The nearest Medical Center to each Critical Home Care Patient
- The nearest Parts Supplier to each Manufacturing Facility
- The nearest Bank to each Construction Company headquarters
- The nearest Tax Accountant to each Independent Contractor
- The nearest polling station to each unregistered voter
- NEW! Batch Calculate Distances – Develop vehicle route estimates across two pairs of location points in the same or two separate datasets. Optimize logistical routes for new warehouse location deliveries. Update existing logistic patterns between stops to compensate for recent road network changes or traffic pattern adjustments.
Possible Use Cases
Austin Retail Mall Emergency Center Analysis – First Responder teams are tasked to identify and post information describing the two nearest emergency medical centers to all Austin area retail mall locations. The closest emergency medical centers to any mall location need to be identified for emergency planners. First Responder planners imported a list of retail locations and medical centers, both derived from MapBusinessOnline business listings, on to a business map of the Austin area. Market Analysis tools were used to develop a proximity search around all mall locations to identify the two closest emergency medical centers, within the required ten-minute drive time.
Big Box Store Retailer Direct Mail Campaign – Fall planning is underway for a Big Box Retailer. A list of winter products will be going on sale and a flyer will be mailed to a prospective customer list compiled by a local list provider. The product discounts will be segmented by product type – gas-powered tools, electric tools, expendable ice products, and snow shovel items.
The retailer has budgeted funds for the mail campaign but knows that customers living further away than a 20-minute drive-time are much less likely to respond to the mailer.
MapBusinessOnline maps are developed that display several location datasets including a list of imported customer names and addresses, and a set of two-hundred store locations within the two-state region. Using MapBusinessOnline Pro Market Analysis, the customer list and store location datasets are analyzed to define the nearest store to a set of customers living within a 20-minute drive time distance. The results are segmented to develop a subset list of only the nearest customers, living within a 20-minute drive time of the nearest store will receive a mail piece.
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