Services Industry Mapping Software

to Visualize and Optimize Your Field Operations, Sales and Marketing Today! – Take a FREE 1-month trial

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There’s a seemingly limitless variety of service businesses across North America. They can be large or small, old or new. Many service businesses share a common need for business mapping software to improve and inform their operational, sales and marketing processes.

Operational Applications – Service organizations tend to support field operations. In addition to outside sales people, service organizations support vehicle fleets for repair work, delivery or installation technicians. Often the business simply provides services at the consumer’s home address.

MapBusinessOnline helps businesses manage their field support in multiple ways:

  • Optimized routing with time windows offers scheduling and efficient vehicle routing capabilities that keep fuel costs low, while improving productivity across your traveling team. You’ll find your field people can fit more customers into their days through improved productivity and resource management
  • MBO MapShare lets your field service associates access MBO from their home computers to explore shared routes through interactive web maps and even generate their own routes at extremely low costs
  • Review customer and field staff locations to determine assignments, availability and access growth. Service availability maps can be shared with customers too
  • Vehicle routing functionality, shared throughout the company, controls expense submissions. You set the rules about travel compensation. A business map shows them the way while verifying travel expense submittals
  • Drive time maps can establish guidelines for service deliveries. Set windshield time limits on your field force. MBO drive time can establish clear map boundaries that define driving extent times along all roads in all directions. Limit their driving time to one hour. No more wandering technicians lost all afternoon while they search for a location.

Sales support - MapBusinessOnline supports service industry sales departments in a variety of ways.

  • Import customer location data to create customer map views that outline your coverage areas and point to potential new growth areas
  • Create sales territory maps that define areas of responsibility and drive accountability into your sales force
  • Share coverage area or service maps with constituents to communicate availability.

MapBusinessOnline sales territory mapping software lets services managers easily create sales territories from imported spreadsheets or from scratch using ZIP code selection options. Once territories are created, analysis data is overlaid for informative map views and exportable demographic analysis. MBO brings your data to bear on your territory views. And don’t worry, territory adjustments are made with just a few quick mouse clicks.

Marketing Campaigns – Marketing for a service industry business requires a solid understanding of the services you provide and why your clients desire your services. MapBusinessOnline lets you organize those marketing ideas geographically. The tool provides a variety of data segmentation options that can assist in testing and implementing an efficient marketing campaign.

  • Drive time polygons define market areas interest by estimated consumer driving times or driving distances. For example, if you know customer interest drops off when driving times of more than 30 minutes are involved you can create an area of interest around your facility and limit your direct mail expenses outside of that area
  • Create market areas of interest based on radius maps or drive time maps. Append a variety of demographic data layers to your analysis that help define your market. Import your own business data to add to the analysis
  • Filter and segment your customer and prospect lists based on geographic break down, or filtered by data search. Export these lists out for use outside the application
  • Track your growing customer base. Establish ZIP code profiles that define your best business markets based on demography, sales, and customer type. Then look for similar markets around the nation so you can expand intelligently.

MBO Features that Specifically Benefit a Service Organization’s Mapping Needs

  • Easily Import Customer and Prospect Address Lists – apply symbols and color shading as required
  • Create Market Area of Interest Maps – apply demographic data analysis, import your business data
  • Build sales territory maps that drive accountability into your salesforce
  • Access to a full library of Demographic Data Layers – export demographic market analysis
  • Apply Drive Time polygons, geographic and data filtering to marketing campaign lists
  • Create compelling business maps for clients and partner departments
  • Manage traveling fields techs and improve productivity with optimize multi-stop routing tools.

Contact Us for a Free 1-Month Trial

A great way to find out if our services mapping software is right for your organization is to take advantage of our free 1-Month trial offer. Register today to receive your no-risk trial!

Learn How Our Customers are Succeeding with MapBusinessOnline

"I use it daily to visualize customers and sales territories, and to plan sales trips. It’s so intuitive."

Jeanne Gazlay
Life Brokerage sales Director
Mutual of Omaha

"Truly the easiest business mapping application I have ever used."

Chad Seaverns
National Sales Manager

The Alternative Board (TED), an advisory board creation service for business of all types and sizes, used MapPoint to import customer locations, create and manage territories, and for visual market analysis. When MapPoint left them high and dry, they began looking for a MapPoint replacement. This process led them to MapBusinessOnline.

Over a period of a few weeks MapBusinessOnline shared several online web demo that showed exactly how MapBusinessOnline would replace and improve upon the mapping technology TED had become used to. The Alternative Board recently renewed their Map Business Online subscription for another year.

The Alternative Board