Shared Map Editing for Business Workgroups

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Case Study - Gatehouse Media Applies Collaborative Map Editing Across Departments

Collaborative and Shared Map Editing

Many business processes can be enhanced or improved through the application of business mapping software. For instance, a customer list exported from a CRM system when viewed against an accurate map provides new levels of insight for strategic planning. Add demographic map layers and additional business intelligence can be derived.

Many MapBusinessOnline customers have requested the ability to share their maps with their co-workers for better communication, broader analysis platforms, and for improved productivity. Now MapBusinessOnline offers the ability to share editable maps with advanced map users.

MapBusinessOnline collaborative map editing enables a team of map editors to share the privilege and the responsibility of managing a business map, driving accountability into your business processes. Additionally, shared map editing means your business is tapping into a team of minds focused on a shared problem. Your business will benefit from a collaborative map solution.

  • Encourage team collaboration and feedback
  • Reduce organizational silos through map engagement
  • Drive accountability into your sales organization

Sales Territory Mapping

Collaborative editing as applied to sales organizations empowers sales leaders, encourages feedback from the field and communicates goals, objectives, and results effectively and quickly. A sales territory management map can be viewed by the entire organization, but editing responsibilities might be allocated to regional sales managers, accounting, and a sales engineering team. Such collaboration provides business focus for a variety of stake holders in your organization – driving results, encouraging process improvement, and engaging teams at diverse levels within the organization.

Market Analysis

Market analysis maps provide insight into the nature of your typical customer, your preferred market areas, and you best performing demographics. Expand the scope of your market analysis with shared map editing.

  • Get near real time client campaign results posted to your share map
  • Share the most recent competitor analysis with your constituents
  • Secure stakeholder buy-in to your campaign planning through shared editing privileges

Operations and Logistics

Shared map editing lets your operations team share editable maps across shift schedules. MapBusinessOnline provides more than optimized routing support for your mobile teams. For instance, using MBO team editing your map administrator can designate multiple team editors to handle map edits across various work-shifts. Map editors are able to designate who has map editing privileges, data editing privileges, or both. So a team member might be allowed to update delivery records for a customer location, but is not allowed to change warehouse addresses.

Home Health Care Maps

Collaborative map editing spreads the knowledge around your organization so you don’t put too much pressure on just one scheduler or nurse team leader. Make sure your leveraging your best and brightest employees by giving them map editing privileges. Create consistent capabilities and controls across work shifts.

  • Create clinician territories based on EMR rules and encourage clinician feedback
  • Make sure critical map adjustments can happen anytime – 24/7
  • Get field clinician feedback in near real time

Sales Planning

Are your sales associates ready for the next level of sales accountability? A shared map with editing capabilities will help them plan more effectively while assuring feedback is communicated to headquarters in near real-time.

  • Share advanced visualization of customer and prospect locations
  • Encourage rapid account call feedback through collaborative mapping
  • Link back to for fast CRM look-ups of location listed accounts & prospects
  • Provide optimized multi-stop routing to drive up productivity while driving down costs

Contact us for more information

Contact MapBusinessOnline and find out more about how collaborative map editing can improve your business processes. Take our FREE trial to explore

Learn How Our Customers are Succeeding with MapBusinessOnline

"We quickly grew from a one location small-business to a franchised business with 8 locations across the country. After selling our first few franchises, I realized I needed a way to map out a potential franchisee's territory. Initially I just wanted to be able to create territories based on drive time from an address, which is easy to do with MapBusinessOnline. What I didn't know I needed was the ability to export census data, including information on other dog related business, which is very helpful!"

Steve Sentner
Paw & Order Dog Training

This leading national footwear brand manufacturer uses MapBusinessOnline to conduct retail coverage assessments nationwide. They loved MBO’s ability to provide both street level detail and USA wide high level views of points-of-sale. Importing location enabled address databases for symbolization and color shading is easy. New and planned stores can be added to the map market analysis as products are launched and mature.

"Importing location enabled address databases for symbolization and color shading is easy."

Todd Eichelberger
Sales Director

"MapBusinessOnline has played a major role in helping us to expand. It has helped us successfully map out our territories so that we know where we are and where we can be. With a clear picture of where we are, it has helped make it easier to locate available territory for our new Franchisees. MapBusinessOnline has even helped us keep our guarantee and carry out its promise for a five mile protection radius for each Franchisee. MapBusinessOnline has not only given us a map of where we are now, but it has also given us a map for our future."

Sine Schirmer
Franchise Support Department Head
The Tutoring Center Franchise Corp

Popular MapBusinessOnline features

Share business maps

Create interactive maps and share with friends, colleagues, dealers, customers, prospects or vendors. Share territory maps. Email saved JPEG and PNG files or embed map files in PowerPoint presentations. Includes PDF export for larger print formats.

Design and visualize sales territories

Use our sales territory mapping software to create sales territories by ZIP code, county, or state. Aggregate demographics and sales data by territory. Search business data inside sales territories. Highlight territory overlap.

Build fast map visualizations of your business data

Map business data from various sources by street address, city name, ZIP code, or latitude and longitude. Plot 250,000 or more locations on a map at once. All you need to start is a spreadsheet with business data.

Display business data against demographic maps

Categorize geographic areas by population or household income. Explore new markets, business patterns, or social trends against color coded Census maps for business and competitor analysis.

Perform Market Analysis for multiple sites

Search & segment data from multiple centers. Generate market area profiles. Find nearest store or pick up locations. Batch calculate distances, as well as driving times to multiple locations. Aggregate demographic data. Enrich a dataset with demographic or geographic variables.

Plan customers visits with optimized routing

Use maps to identify customers within a radius or polygon. Optimize visits sequence and generate turn-by-turn driving directions. Reduce travel costs. Improve ROI and productivity.