Share Maps with Free Multi-stop Optimized Routing

Map Business Online has quietly enhanced our Free Map Viewer capability, and you should be aware of these changes. Each subscription to Map Business Online includes sharing an interactive web map with your customers, employees, or even your in-laws (if you’re into that sort of thing).

This enhanced capability extends Map Business Online’s business mapping software shared map capabilities. We believe map visualizations of our users’ business data are most valuable when shared with constituents—your map viewers. Whether you’re shooting for customer mapping, retail mapping, sales territory mapping, or geographic competitive analysis, if you share your location intelligence, you’ll get viewer feedback and workflow improvements for your business.

Each Map Business Online subscription allows up to 100 monthly free MapShare sessions. Your viewers can open the shared interactive web map after downloading the free Map App (there is no subscription requirement).

Each free session allows the user to use the interactive web map for as long as they like, but when they close that web tab or window, session one ends. Remember, using MapBusinessOnline works on any Mac or PC machine.

Maps With Benefits
Interactively sharing your business map means your shared map viewers can do the following:
• Pan and zoom all over the map area – navigate to street-level views or pan back to the whole-world view.
• Access a multi-stop route planner where the user can choose route stops incrementally by applying a simple mouse click to select addresses.
• Create data queries using a radius or polygon tool on the map – save and export results
• Create new datasets by filtering data within the Data Window
• Save map views as image files or print map views
• Measure distances across the map
• Click on points on the map to view imported and shared record details
• Access the Data Window to view your shared business data – filter and export as necessary
• Access the help documentation

MapShare viewers of shared maps will not be allowed to edit the map. If you require shared editing capabilities, consider purchasing a MapBusinessOnline subscription.

Enhanced Route Stop Allowances
Recent changes have enabled a free multi-stop route optimizer for up to 100 stops per route. This is significant. Your free viewers can build routes using the shared business map and the shared location data you’ve decided to include in your parent map. Their routing stop allowances will match your subscription – which can be as high as 150 stops per route.

This is cool in large part because you get to provide routing functionality to map viewers at a very low cost. Map viewers can generate routes and driving directions at no charge. If they like the functionality, or the functionality shows promise for more intense use, you can consider purchasing them a full subscription.

Shared Maps for Workflows
Shared interactive business maps can be used to share data or provide easy look-ups for constituents. For instance, an accounting department can easily key in a ZIP code into the address bar and determine the sales territory that a new customer inquiry falls into.

Map viewers can also access data filter tools within the shared map’s Data Window. This means you could import and share a large location-based dataset and allow your MapShare audience to filter the data as required, creating subset groups of records or single record results. The Data Window filter enables users to apply math modifiers to data columns. For example, users can filter a Name column for all records with the letters “center” in the name field. Viewers can then view those filter results on the map and export a list of those records for use outside Map Business Online.

Map Business Online’s interactive web map viewers can also query shared data records by sales territory. This function alone provides huge value to any sales organization.

Take advantage of Map Business Online’s shared interactive web map capabilities. Empower your map audience. Use geography to benefit your business.

Let a digital map help you learn about your business

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About Geoffrey Ives

Geoffrey Ives lives and works in southwestern Maine. He grew up in Rockport, MA and graduated from Colby College. Located in Maine since 1986, Geoff joined DeLorme Publishing in the late 1990's and has since logged twenty-five years in the geospatial software industry. In addition to business mapping, he enjoys playing classical & jazz piano, gardening, and taking walks in the Maine mountains with his Yorkshire Terrier named Skye.
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