The Market Analysis Tool in Combination with Other Functions

Map Business Online includes a Market Analysis button.  Market Analysis is only available to annual subscribers – which includes team subscribers. That’s because Market Analysis is for serious business mapping software users. Use the Map Business Online Market Analysis tool to solve problems, which may or may not be actual considered classic market analysis.

This is the button: There are five options in Market Analysis. They are:

·         Search Data around a plotted list of multiple locations and draw circles around up to 200 points

·         Find the Nearest store – lets you compare two data sets and find distances between points

·         Calculate Number of “Customers” within a specific distance of a “Store”

·         Summarize demographic data for multiple locations

·         Add names from a map layer to a dataset you’ve created

In the Market Analysis tool, we define a Store to be any facility that the user wants to use as a central point for searching data. In your case a “store” could be a hospital, a police station, a home address or even an actual store location.  Likewise, Customers could be patients, crime locations, delivery points or a customer map list.

Market Analysis is a set of tools that become much more powerful when used in conjunction with other tools available in Map Business Online. Your problem may require more than just business map visualizations. Here’s a partial list of general Map Business Online functions that can be used in conjunction with other tools to solve problems:

·         Conduct a search or filter operation to generate a subset marketing list of your data. Now use that same subset list in Market Analysis as an imported layer for analysis

·         Combine demographic layers using Calculated Data Columns. You can combine like demographic layers of age groups or income groups and even apply multiply and divide functions to create ratios like Number of Seniors/General Population. Then you can analyze a set of zip codes and apply your demographic calculation. Export these results out of Map Business Online and reimport for further calculations or for use in Market Analysis

·         Generate routes in the Map Business Online routing tool and export route stop lists for use in further analysis. Exported optimized route stops in GPX format will contain Latitude Longitude coordinates. These can be useful in other applications.

Customers often call us with advanced business mapping requirements. It’s one of the things I love about selling business mapping software, customers are so creative. Market Analysis maybe part of the solution to your mapping challenges.  Think of market analysis as a way to:

·         Draw radius search circles around multiple (up to 200) location points at one time. Each circle will be searchable and will include the usual color, border and transparency options. Think – search a 20 mile radius around 150 store locations. Append the results to existing datasets. Resulting data will be exportable

·         Append distance data between multiple points to existing datasets. Think – What is the crow flies distance between all points in dataset one and all points in data set two. Resulting data will be exportable

·         Gather up to three demographic layers for all points in a dataset in one pass. Think – I have a list of ZIP codes, what is the population, avg HH income, and avg HH’s in each ZIP code? Great for assigning critical demographic data to multiple points

·         Add ZIP code, state or country labels to your imported data layers. Think – I have a list of customer addresses but I need the county label included too. Run the query, export the list.

By combining functions within Map Business Online the tool becomes more powerful than MapPoint ever was. We touched on Market Analysis, Calculated Data Columns and exporting Route files, but there are many more tools you can bring to bare in Map Business Online:

Data Window data filtering – Use modifiers to create data queries. See previous blog

Data Window copy & paste – Adjust the tabular data window view to create new exportable data sets

Apply basic Spatial Searches using polygon, radius or drive time search tools

I could go on but social media rules tell me it’s time to close because you will be following some other click bait by now.  My point – combine tools in Map Business Online to solve your problems.

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Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson (800) 425-9035

MapPoint users – please consider as your MapPoint Replacement.

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About Geoffrey Ives

Geoffrey Ives lives and works in southwestern Maine. He grew up in Rockport, MA and graduated from Colby College. Located in Maine since 1986, Geoff joined DeLorme Publishing in the late 1990's and has since logged twenty-five years in the geospatial software industry. In addition to business mapping, he enjoys playing classical & jazz piano, gardening, and taking walks in the Maine mountains with his Yorkshire Terrier named Skye.
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