In Map Business Online, a business mapping software user can create a ZIP code map simply by selecting the ZIP code layer in the Map & Data box. Viola – you have a ZIP code map. But we know business people use ZIP code mapping software for more reasons than simply viewing ZIP codes on a map.
When Map Business Online users create a business map by ZIP code, most often, they are looking for ZIP codes within a radius. ZIP code radius mapping, or circle mapping, quickly identifies the list of ZIP codes within a defined area (it could be any shape) and allows the user to export that ZIP code list out of the application as a CSV file.
Those ZIP code lists are helpful for marketers, retail store owners, political polling commissions, non-profit donation seekers, and outside and inside salespeople. eck, a soccer mom or dad planning a bake sale might use an exported list of ZIP codes.
ZIPs are essential and ubiquitous. In Map Business Online, users typically seek to identify specific ZIP code areas of interest on a map. We provide the entire list of USPS ZIP codes in the exportable ZIP code layer. These layers are readily available in the Map Business Online FREE trial or paid subscriptions.
Business map users might desire printable ZIP code maps, or be interested in ZIP code territory mapping software. n Map Business Online, you get it all.
How to Create a Basic ZIP Code Map
- In a fresh map view, make sure your ZIP code layer is turned on in the Map and Data layer control box.
- Choose a geometric search tool from the Search Data Button – typically, users choose a circle or polygon search tool. he button will turn green. ou will be searching the ZIP code layer.
- On the map, create a shape that encompasses your target ZIP codes. omplete the shape – the Radius Search will present a radius distance option box. nput your radius distance. ame your map area of interest or territory. f you chose the Polygon Search, the line must be brought back to the beginning, and then the site is named.
- The Data Window will open, presenting your list of ZIP codes. ou may edit this list and export the list. dit by clicking on the map view and selecting a ZIP code for addition or deletion from the list. elect more than one by holding down the Shift Key. lick the Blue puzzle piece icon to Add, Update or Create a new list.
- Export the final list by clicking the Data Window TToolbar’sfar-right Export Data button option
Creating a Map from a ZIP Code Spreadsheet
Alternatively, a business map user could create a ZIP code map from a list of ZIP codes.
Business mapping enables fast and informative views of address spreadsheets. ometimes those spreadsheets are pretty basic, and sometimes, they have complete address data. or instance, a non-profit organization or a local grocery store may not collect complete addresses when they compile customer data. hey might collect the customer/donor names and ZIP codes.
Instead of looking like this:
Your spreadsheet could be as simple as this:
The map visualization process will still work, but the points will be placed at the center point of ZIP Code. ull address placement puts a point on the exact address, a ZIP Code only placement is less accurate. ultiple map points in the same ZIP code will be stacked one on top of the other in ZIP Code only location placements. lick that point to see a list of addresses.
How to Create a Map from a ZIP Code List
- Create or save your ZIP code data on your computer.
- Click the Dataset button under the Adding to Map section of the master toolbar.
- Navigate to your saved dataset, select the data and click next
- In the Dialogue box for addressing double-check that the application is matching your columns as expected. Addressing buckets should match based on your data column headings. If latitude/longitude points are used, verify that they match in the dialog.
- In the label dialog match the name column from your data to the name column in Map Business Online. This is usually the left hand column in your data – but you could choose to have another column be the controlling data column. Choose up to five columns from your data to be displayed in the plotted points’ label field.
- Click plot to process your spreadsheet data, which will place point locations on the map.
Imported ZIP codes lists can be color shaded points or symbols. You could also turn off the point layer itself and still color-code the ZIP codes based on your imported data.
Blog Bonus ZIP Code Haiku!
Tiny ZIP Code sits.
So many people inside.
My mailman is old.
Discover why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.
To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and download the Map App from the website –
After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.
The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.
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