On occasion, Map Business Online customers may develop a need to split a territory. A split might be necessary because of an excessive customer density within a small area – like a ZIP code. Too many customers in a focused area sometimes drive a need to divide a ZIP code or county customer list between one or more sales reps or clinicians. Splitting territory units occurs more commonly in urban areas where territories are based on ZIP codes or Census Tracts then in rural areas.
Another reason for splitting territories could be geography. A bridge, a mountain, a highway, or a river could turn a few close-by customers, as the crow flies, into an all-day affair due to driving patterns.
A third reason customers split territories is difficult for us to accept, but it still happens: Because they’ve always done it this way. At some point in the early 20th century, Grandpa Zaputa started building territories based on tree stumps and large boulders. “It’s how we’ve always done it.” Ah, OK. We’ll keep doing it Grandpa’s way.
Because territories in Map Business Online are usually based on a specific map alignment layer (like ZIP codes), the need to split a territory requires some creativity. Typically, business mapping users establish their territories on counties or ZIP codes. But territory alignment layer options include state, county, ZIP-5, ZIP-3, city limits, Census Tracts, and even school districts.
Specific Map Layer-Based Territories are Recommended
We highly recommend sticking with one-layer-based territories because this allows the full benefit of database management and analysis:
- Demographic data is easily accessed and comprehensive.
- Imported data layers are easily imported into the analysis.
- Report generation and export is a one-button operation.
Still, some customers prefer to create territories that are split between map alignment layers; if that is your case, this is how you do it.
In Map Business Online, territories are based on one geography segment – not multiple geography segments. This means there are three alternative approaches to splitting territories we can discuss:
- Change the base geographic alignment or map layer.
- Create a region out of two or more territories (requires MapBusinessOnline Pro.)
- Use draw tools to build the split territory.
Changing the Map Alignment Layer
This approach works for any territory alignment layer with a lower-tier option. For instance, if your territory base alignment layer is states, you can reconfigure that territory down to counties. If your territory is based on counties, you can reconfigure to ZIP codes. ZIP-3 codes would reconfigure to ZIP-5 codes. ZIP-5 codes could reconfigure into Census tracts. And so on. You can always jump from layer to lower layer – from State-based territories to Census Tract territories.
For example, a company aligns its territories with counties. They then decided they needed to split a county-based territory into one entire county and a half of another county. The ZIP code layer is turned on, and the original territory area would be queried for ZIP codes and resaved as a ZIP code territory. Holding down the shift key, the business map user could select as many ZIP codes as necessary in the second county area to complete the now county-split territory based on Zip codes.
If more granularity is required for the selected area, consider using Census Tracts as the geographic base of the new territory instead of ZIP codes. Census Tracts work well for inner-city coverage analysis.
A user could always use a polygon search tool to generate the overall territory boundary map object and then query the ZIP code layer from that polygon.
Remember when the new territory is created to delete the old one.
Create a Region out of Two or More Territories
This solution to the problem of split territories is achieved by creating a Region out of two or more territories. Using the same example as above, the map user would leave the original territory in place. Then they would create a new territory, covering the county section based on ZIP codes using a polygon tool, querying the ZIP codes, and naming the additional territory section. The new territory section would be saved as a territory name and in the territory layer.
Next, any MapBusinessOnline Pro user can use a polygon search tool to select the existing county-based territory and the new ZIP-code-based territory and name it a Region. The Map & Data box will display a region layer and a territory layer. In this territory map, Regions will indicate split territories across counties.
In the Region case, do not delete the old territory because that is used to build the region.
Move Away from Map Layer Based Territories and Create Drawn Map Object Territories
Finally, the map user always has the option of simply creating territories as drawn map objects, a shape on the map unconnected to a map layer. For this approach to territory creation, use the Map Business Online draw tools. The drawn circle, polygon, or free-form object will be labeled, and the color will be filled in. When you choose the path of drawn objects, you lose access to the Data Window’s More Data tool. You can still compile data associated with your drawn territory, but you’ll have to use the summary button.
The summary button is found in the Map Objects mini-toolbar. Click the sideways M on that toolbar and add your required imported data or demographic categories.
We highly recommend that map users stick with map layer territories for their obvious benefits:
- A consistent geographic base map layer enables consistent analysis across all territories
- By building territories on map layers Map Business Online’s More Data database tool is available for analysis and reporting
- Building territories by ZIP codes, Counties, or other map layers access Map Business Online’s robust, comprehensive, and growing library of demographic data
Discover why over 25,000 business users log into www.MapBusinessOnline.com for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.
To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and download the Map App from the website – https://www.mapbusinessonline.com/App-Download.aspx.
After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.
The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.
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Contact: Geoffrey Ives at geoffives@spatialteq.com or Jason Henderson at jhenderson@spatialteq.com.