MapBusinessOnline 7.3 Released – 4 New Features

Last week, MapBusinessOnline version 7.3 was released.  Any subscriber to MapBusinessOnline can access the new features listed below by running the Map App’s ‘MapBusinessOnline Updater’ option from the Windows Start Menu or the Mac Applications Folder.

The Updater updates your business mapping software to the latest release. You will need to log out of MapBusinessOnline to run the Updater.

Below are the four major features included in the 7.3 release.

Color Control for Map Object Highlighted Selection

Until now, when a MapBusinessOnline user selected a Map Object – a ZIP code, county, state, territory, or city limit – the object becomes highlighted in bright Yellow. With the 7.3 release, that Map Object highlight color is selectable.

Map creators can go to Map and Data, select Map Options, and select a new color under the Geographic/Territory Selection color box option.

Color Control for Highlighted Map Object Selection

Easy Export of Boundary and Point ZIP Codes

As many MapBusinessOnline territory mappers have discovered, USPS ZIP5 Codes come in two flavors: Boundary and Point ZIP codes. Boundary ZIP codes are the classic ZIP code areas we all remember as kids. Boundary ZIP codes have an area with a boundary. Point ZIP codes, on the other hand, do not have an area. They represent extensive facilities like hospitals or military installations that constitute a one-stop drop-off point for bulk mail deliveries.

Currently, there are 33,309 Boundary ZIP codes and another 7,688 Point ZIP codes. (Remember this for Jeopardy.)  Until now, to access the complete list of all ZIP codes by type within MapBusinessOnline, the map user had to upload the complete file from Public Data under Datasets. Not the worst thing in the world, but it did add 40,000 location records or more to your map work (MapBusinessOnline’s limit for Standard is 50,000.)

With this month’s 7.3 release, to secure the complete ZIP code list, a map subscriber may export the ZIP5 code map layer using the Export button on the far right of the Data Window toolbar.  The user has multiple options for export:

  • Add Point-only ZIP codes to the export of the ZIP5 codes (boundary ZIP code).
  • Export only ZIP code records assigned to a territory.
  • Segment exported ZIP code data records by territory.

For many of you, this new feature will be sweet relief.  Exporting all ZIP codes for tracking sales and other business operations by ZIP code generally mandates that it includes ALL ZIP codes.

The feature saves a series of steps and avoids adding 40,000 records to your map data, which can be tricky for those of us importing large datasets under 100,000 records per map limit.

The Public Data folder’s complete ZIP code list will remain available.

Quick Summary Button Demographic Reporting by Territory

MapBusinessOnline began offering summary button data reporting by specific map objects, like circles and polygons, several years ago.  With the 7.3 release, the MapBusinessOnline subscriber can access the summary button for fast demographic reporting AND place ten subject lists of demographic data columns directly on a territory map.

Summary provides immediate access to demographic data and a dropdown option for the inclusion of imported data columns. The Summary Button appears as a menu button when the map object – drawn object or territory – is selected. The resulting spreadsheet is limited to ten rows but can be exported or placed on the map for map viewer reference.

Such quick and easy reporting lets a MapBusinessOnline subscribers quickly mix their business data with Census Bureau demographic subjects. The Data Window territory analysis view is always available for more in-depth reporting using the Change Columns button. Read more about Change Columns here.

Calculated Data Columns Now Supports Scripting

MapBusinessOnline includes the Calculated Data Function that enables simple mathematical formulas to be applied using columns of data associated with specific map layers. Calculated Data Columns are map layer-specific. That means a user would set up a recipe for the ZIP code layer or the County layer – not both.

With the release of 7.3, MapBusinessOnline Calculated Data Columns now supports scripting. Click the embedded link to read more about scripting. Most of us have a vague understanding of scripting and its impact. If you have nerdy developers interested in your business mapping tools, this new feature is for them.

Calculated Data Columns sum related demographic layers. For example, users can sum the population of elder Americans across the five again population demographic layers.

MapBusinessOnline Release 7.3 is an excellent example of features being added to the product because customers requested them. Keep those cards and letters coming. Or email us through the contact button on the website or at either of the emails noted below.


Discover why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews and review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson


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Demographic Data and Business Mapping Software for Business Users

Both MapBusinessOnline subscriptions for Standard and Pro include access to Demographic Data by subject. The USA demographic categories are sub-divided into rough annual release years, mirroring the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) segmentation by release date.

MapBusinessOnline Canada coverage subscriptions provide access to Canadian demographic data.

For any given year, MapBusinessOnline lists the demographic categories by subject. Click on any map object and select the Summary button for a quick analysis of up to ten subjects. As a reminder, a map object is:

  • An object on the map drawn from a polygon, circle, drive time, or freeform draw or search tool
  • A map layer object – ZIP code, Census Tract, County, State, or City Limit
  • An object on the map derived from a driving time and distances query
  • A territory, region, or division

Read more about the Summary button here for first-time users of MapBusinessOnline.

Data Window Views for Analysis

In addition to the selected map object’s summary button, the map user can open the Data Window analysis view compiling a relevant set of demographic data associated with covered geography.  The Data Window lets the user select the entire ZIP code map layer, as an example, and apply Demographic Data to that layer using the Choose Columns button in the lower right corner. Read more about Choose Columns here.

All MapBusinessOnline demographic data is exports as a CSV file. After compiling your data in the Data Window view and perhaps filtering the view to fine-tune the results, use the far-right button on the Data Window toolbar to Export the demographic analysis data. Read more about accessing demographic data in MapBusinessOnline.

The process described above provides a simple demographic analysis of any designated area in the United States or Canada. Whether the area is relatively small or huge, all selected areas provide access to demographic data in MapBusinessOnline.

Demographic Data Subjects

The demographic data subjects are listed below. When searched for and applied, many of these subjects include sub-categories by range, by age, or by income level:

Demographic Subject Categories
General Population
Population by Gender
Population for Group Quarters
Population Density sq mi/sq km
Population by Age
Number of Households
Average Household Size
Median Household Income
Households by Income level
Median Age
Race – White, Black, American Indian
Race – Asian, Pacific Islander, Other
Race – Hispanic, Not Hispanic
Education – Up to 9th, 9th to 12th
Education – High School Grad, College Grad,
Education – Some college, Associates, Bachelors
Education – Graduate or professional degree
Employment Status
Housing Units – Tot, Owner, Rental
Housing Units – Median Value
Households – Marital status, Male/Female
Consumer Expenditures by type

Each of the above demographic subjects is covered thoroughly. Some of the subjects, such as Race or Age, present multiple listings with breakdowns by ranges.

If a MapBusinessOnline user cannot find a category of interest in the MapBusinessOnline demographic library, please let us know so we can explore adding it to our growing demographic library.

Demographic data in MapBusinessOnline adds significant value to sales territory projects, market analysis maps, and general business analysis. All MapBusinessOnline demographic data is exportable.

MapBusinessOnline includes Calculated Data Column capability, which enables summation across like demographic data layers.  Read more about Calculated Data Columns here.

MapBusinessOnline’s USA demographic data library is stored and accessed by year of release. The current two years (2019 and 2020) are projection datasets from a third-party provider. Business map users desire projections because the US Census Bureau has not released data updates for the most recent years.  The projection data is sourced from a third-party source that specializes in developing accurate demographic projections.

See It or Count It

MapBusinessOnline demographic data is applied visually as a thematic topic across a map layer, such as ZIP codes or Counties.  Thematic visualizations allow ZIP codes to be color-coded based on population density or median household income, to name a few examples.

Demographic data library selections can be appended into map layer and territory labels. Any ZIP code, county, state, or territory provides five flexible label fields that accept  demographic data for labeling. Thus, a ZIP code label will display the ZIP code number with population, income, ethnicity, household, or consumer spending data reflected beneath it. Read more about appending labels here.

Combining thematic map layers and demographic label presentation creates a compelling map that informs the map viewer of the diversity of characteristics that define any area of interest.

Demographic analysis or simply thematic theme presentation enhances sales territory maps, strategic maps, market analysis maps, even plain old ZIP code maps. All major markets apply demographic data to their map projects:

  • Construction
  • Large Enterprise
  • Finance
  • Franchising
  • Health Care
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Technology
  • Transportation & Logistics

Demographic data is the hot fudge on your business mapping software vanilla ice cream. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews and review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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4 Ways to Generate Images for Documents Using MapBusinessOnline

Business maps are for business analysis, sales planning, and even for legal records.  Modern business plans and market analysis are supplemented with location-based analysis in the form of a business map. MapBusinessOnline’s data window makes such analysis both possible and easy to achieve. Read more about MapBusinessOnline analysis views here.

Sales planning is a widespread application of MapBusinessOnline.  The tool offers optimized routing tools to plan sales trips and visualize customers. For MapBusinessOnline sales professionals, the sky is the limit because the tool provides excellent sales territory management and market analysis tools.  In addition to analysis, MapBusinessOnline also serves as a great company goals and objectives communication tool. I highly encourage sales pros to present to their peers using MapBusinessOnline as a live business mapping presentation tool. Business maps provide clear and concise map visualizations of company sales efforts.

I’ve also mentioned before how helpful business mapping software is for franchise sales organizations. ‘Maps sell franchises!’ is the cry and credo of franchise map geeks everywhere. (There are a few.) Franchise officers can compile digital business map representations of a franchise territory to sell the franchise and document the opportunity as legitimate.

Franchise territory maps record a protected area of interest for the franchisee. These maps also provide demographic and sales proof of market viability. The entire map analysis, including the map visualization, is printed and filed with records of the franchise sale for future reference. These printed maps or map image records are easy using MapBusinessOnline.

Baseline Market Analysis Map Documenting Existing Markets

Map Image Files

The most straightforward map image to generate is a Map Image file in Jpeg or PNG file format. Such image files are created by clicking the Export Image button, four buttons from the right on the Master Toolbar.

The Export Image button will take an image snapshot of a user’s map as saved in MapBusinessOnline. The resulting image will not include the Master Toolbar, Map & Data, or the Navigation Scroll Bar. The image will include a Map Legend if one is associated with the map.

When considering producing a map image, the map creator should optimize their map to support their map project’s purpose.  Read more about map visualization optimization here.

Map Image Files can be saved as either PNG files or Jpeg files. PNG files are used for PowerPoint presentations. Jpegs are a better option for emailing map files because they are smaller files.

Going Old School – Printing Maps

Click the Print Button on the Master Toolbar to print an 8-1/2 x 11-page map view on your desktop printer. Make sure your printer settings are set to landscape orientation – which is the natural perspective for map printouts. Your map screen is literally a landscape view. Literally.

You can also print to larger plotter printers. This brings us to saving map files as large format PDF files.

Large Format PDF Files

The two lower options on the Print Button dialogue are for saving a map view  as a large format PDF. I wrote about this process in detail in this article on PDF map files.

Here is a shortlist of things to keep in mind when saving large format map PDF files in MapBusinessOnline.

  • Be patient. This functionality is advanced and is more of an art than a science
  • Try both the ‘customer printout’ and the ‘select a draw tool’ options. I find the draw tool approach works best for my saved map views
  • Try over zooming into your map. These PDF files are huge and are designed to grab a lot of map detail. Over zooming often better defines your focused map view
  • PDF map generation takes a lot of time to process. If the result isn’t what you want, delete the file, adjust a few settings, and try again
  • Be sure to adjust the dialogue’s paper size options, zoom levels, and map orientation
  • PDF files of your map in MapBusinessOnline will place a legend on the map for you. The map legend is movable, before you save your PDF. Movable map legend in a PDF view is a new feature

Large format printing and PDF file saving is an advanced feature. Take your time and approach it from a Zen perspective.

The Snipping Tool

Microsoft Windows machines have a convenient Snipping Tool for capturing images. I’m not a Mac guy, but I understand similar tools exist in the Mac world.

The Snipping tool takes a snapshot of your computer screen within the bounds of the rectangle you select. For MapBusinessOnline maps, this is a convenient way to take a picture of your map with the Data Window open to a specific data view.

You can maximize your map view by closing a few of the tools on your map screen:

  • Click the Tiny Down Arrow about the Master Toolbar, just above the Map Layers button. This hides and opens the Master Toolbar
  • You can minimize the Navigation Scroll Bar in the upper right corner of the application by clicking the Up arrow closed
  • Map and Data can be put away for a while by clicking the tiny X Button in the upper right-hand corner. Open Map and Data up again by clicking the Arrow button on the far left of your screen – right in the middle of the left-side panel

Now the Snipping Tool can be focused on the map subject at hand. Proceed with your rectangle placement and save the map view.  Snipping images are usually Jpegs.

The map creator documents a geographic view of a sales transaction, a business operation, or a business status by creating map image files. These snapshots provide a frozen image of reality tied to a point in time. They are a record of how things were, a reference for review if necessary. And, unfortunately, sometimes those reviews are necessary.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews and review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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3 Advanced Concepts in MapBusinessOnline Territory Mapping

Advanced territory mapping challenges arise from time to time. By advanced, I mean above and beyond the standard territory mapping scenarios MapBusinessOnline typically serves. MapBusinessOnline has a few advanced business mapping software tools that can help represent more complex territory schemes that fall outside the scope of typical territory creation.

Creating Territories from Filtered Ranges

ZIP code ranges can be used to define territory extent. A business map users can set up a simple, greater than, less than filter in the MapBusinessOnline Data Window to generate that territory scheme in a few minutes.

ZIP5 codes come in number sequences. I grew up in ZIP 01966. A couple of towns over, and the number ranges shifts to 01800. Each state has their five-digit ZIP code ranges. Massachusetts has a whole array of 5-digit sequences starting with the 3-digit 010

up to 028. The further west you go, fewer 3-digit range starters are required because populations are generally more spread out, and the ZIP codes get humongous (wicked big.)

Because those sequences tend to fall in a contiguous fashion, ranges can be an effective way to define territories. So, once you’ve got a number series in mind, in the MapBusinessOnline Data Window, click the Filter button:

  • In the left-hand panel, drop down to General, and then ZIP5 Code
  • In the right-hand panel, select the modifier > (Greater than) and key in the lower ZIP code five-digit range (01900 – for example.)
  • Click the Green Plus icon just below your first filter entry to add the end range of the filtering sequence
  • Drop down to General and ZIP5 Code
  • In the right-hand panel, this time select < (Less than) and key in the high ZIP code range  limit (01999 – for example)
  • Process the query and click the New Territory button along the Data Window toolbar. Select the option that collects the geography displayed in the Data Window view.
  • Name the territory

A Filtered ZIP Code Range Territory

A territory creator could continue adding filter options to create multiple territories at once.  A user could even make a territory by ZIP code range, then add another two filter functions and create a territory by county name. These multifaceted approaches are for seasoned territory and database users. Get used to polygon and imported Excel sheet territories before you get all rangey. Read more about basic sales territory mapping here.

Why Bother with Ranges?

Filtering ZIP code ranges to create territories has several advantages:

  1. Not everyone has a complete understanding of their Zip code coverage area. A business manager for a new company or product may have a limited set of customers in the field. Using a list of customer locations as a set of ZIP code ranges and placing those points on the map, an outline of a coverage area is exposed. A simple polygon selection of that region can also net the ZIP code area bounded by those points revealing the coverage area
  2. Consecutive ZIP code numbers generally represent specific areas of a state. For instance, a range of Massachusetts ZIP Codes: 01900 to 01999, converted into a territory, will cover most of coastal Northeast Mass. Commonly referred to as the Nawth Shaw (North Shore.) Boston Strong!
  3. A ZIP code range doesn’t have to be a filter of ZIP code numbers. A map creator can filter ZIP codes based on demographic information such as population, median income, or consumer expenditures. There are plenty of demographic subjects that cab be used to filter ZIP codes. Such map-based market analysis can result in a set of ZIP codes that represent your ideal market. For instance, show me all the North East Mass ZIP codes with Median Household Income > $75,0000

Filtering isn’t limited to ZIP codes either. Counties, states, and city limits are all filterable by various subjects, including imported customer data.  Read more about creating territories from ZIP code ranges.

Multiple Territories from Multiple Radii

MapBusinessOnline includes a Market Analysis button, eight buttons in from the left on the Master Toolbar. The first option in Market Analysis is called Search & Segment Data from Multiple Centers. This Search & Segment tool allows the map creator to conduct radius searches on a list of many points at once. In MapBusinessOnline Standard, the allowable Market Analysis search is by radius. In MapBusinessOnline Pro, a business map users can conduct the multiple point search by driving time or distance in addition to radius search.

You will note that the third dialogue page in this operation presents a check box to be checked if the map creator would like to create Multiple Territories in one pass from the boundaried ZIP code map layer. This check box will default to creating Marketing Lists if the map layer selected is a point layer. Either way, this tool is a helpful way to query more than one area at a time for data.

By checking that Multiple Territory check box, a territory manager can create multiple territories at one time. Pro users can create multiple territories based on:

  • A specified radius from all points
  • A dataset column of specific radius lengths
  • A specified drive time radius from all points
  • A specified driving distance radius from all points

The above options provide various territory configurations that offer marketing and sales analysts fast and accurate assessments across hundreds of areas at once. These assessments are beneficial for market expansion planning and strategic planning.

Drive Time Territories

Along with other Search Tools, MapBusinessOnline users can create territory maps using Driving Time and Driving Distance searches. Creating these drive time territories one territory at a time is easy. The MapBusinessOnline search tools include a Driving Time/Distance polygon search too. I consider it advanced territory mapping because the results are so valuable.

A driving time or distance query combines the critical characteristic of how far a customer is willing to drive to get access to a product or service with the assignment of an area bounded by that distance. The resulting territory is then readily armed with Census data categories that identify major demographic characteristics of the covered area.

That territory area defines the sweet business spot for many types of sales organizations:

  • Retailers, service shops, and restaurants benefit from drive time estimates based on what they know about their customers. How far or for how long will a typical customer drive to pick up a gallon of milk, or a pizza. How far will a repair client drive to drop off a watch for repair?
  • Direct sales representatives, manufacturer’s reps, or other traveling salespeople will find drive time territory analysis beneficial in defining sales coverage areas. How far do travel budgets permit me to drive for this $5,000 deal? How far for a $100,000 opportunity? How many customers can I visit in one day at this driving distance?
  • Franchise sales organizations will find the same benefits in driving time and distance analysis as they define coverage areas that contain vital demographics. Franchise businesses exist across all industries. Franchisers will use drive time maps to illustrate the franchise opportunity.

MapBusinessOnline advanced territory management capabilities, include driving time and distance analysis, an entire demographic data library, and a business listing search engine, bringing together to a plethora of location-based tools that offer companies like El Gaupo Inc. much more than just a sweater.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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Count on MapBusinessOnline to Provide a Count

Maps answer questions. A typical navigation map answers the question, ‘How do I get from point A to point B?’ Business maps help answer business questions such as:

  • Where are my clients located?
  • How much revenue did we get from Ter 3 in the second quarter?
  • How many older men live in Rockport, MA? (It sure feels like a lot.)

Often, those business map answers are related to a count.

The Count?

No, not the Count of Monte Cristo or Count Dracula. By Count, I mean a number of things or location points contained by an area. Digital maps and business mapping software can quickly gather an accurate numeric summation of points by area of interest.

In MapBusinessOnline, any imported dataset will provide easy access to a count of the number of records imported. View this information after the data is imported into the application. The data is also displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the Data Window, for any selected data layer.

Take a look at the ZIP code map layer in the Data Window.  In the lower left-hand corner, you will see the number of boundaried ZIP5 codes displayed at 33,309. Suppose you import the available, total ZIP code point layer (see Master Toolbar – Dataset – From Server – Public Data) into the map view. In that case, the total number of ZIP codes increases to 40,997 as of January 2021.  Read more about ZIP codes here.

A ZIP Code Points Only Map Using MapBusinessOnline

In MapBusinessOnline, draw a map object like a circle or a polygon on the map. Click the associated mini toolbar’s Summary Button.  In the Summary dialogue, drop down to an imported dataset. Note the first selection listed in the Columns option list is Count. Unless you have created a Count column in your imported data, that Count is not from you. And it’s not from Monte Cristo or Dracula either. In fact, in MapBusinessOnline, you’ll almost always find a column for Count ready to apply.

You’re welcome.

If the business data your importing includes a count column, revealing X number of records per ZIP Code, you can undoubtedly color-code points or ZIP codes based on that column. The fact is, you do not have to include that column. MapBusinessOnline does it for you.

Get the Count

If, for instance, you imported a list of clients to your business map, you can color-code those points by Count. Click the Color-Code by Symbols button on the Master Toolbar. At the Summarize dialogue, choose County, ZIP, or another map layer. In the following dialog, where you pick your data column, drop down to Count. And there you have it, the ability to color-code points by the count of a dataset within a county.

You could also turn off that point layer and color-code the counties by the imported dataset MapBusinessOnline assigned count column. Once again, a Count column is there for you to access and color-code.

You’ll also find Count to be a data column option in Charts, Color-code by Circle, and Filtering within the Data Window. Count is even available through Calculated Data Columns when calculating and using imported data.

The Count in Calculated Data Columns

Other count related operations in MapBusinessOnline include:

  • Clicking a point on an imported data list to see if that generates a list of stacked points at that location
  • Using a polygon or radius search to count all of the points in an area
  • In the Data Window – as mentioned above – note the lower left-hand corner total point count display for an imported data layer or marketing list

A count column provides that instant quantity snapshot that sales managers and data analysts seek. Did our numbers go up or down this week? Check the count for this week.  Compare this week’s count to the past six weeks of counts and view the trend.  Read more about charts and map visualizations in MapBusinessOnline.

In short, whether you are Count Dracula, Count Basie, or Count Chocula, you can count on MapBusinessOnline providing a Count column for your geographic counting requirements.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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The Power and the Danger of Overlays On Your Business Map

Overlaying multiple datasets to a business map is a powerful feature. This ability to overlay layers allows a map creator to bring numerous elements into a map project to support its purpose. Elements like:

  • A defined area of interest on the map – this could be just one ZIP code or the entire USA
  • Relevant business location-based datasets
  • Numeric data imported and converted into a heat map layer to display data value by its visual intensity
  • Symbolized and color-coded specific location data points
  • Color-coded map layers like City Limits or ZIP codes based on an imported point layer
  • Color-coded map objects and map layers – color-coded by demographic category
  • Uploaded business listings from any major industries
  • Visual map layers for reference, such as highways or city points

There are eight categories noted above. The map creator could apply a variety of business datasets. All told, this list of overlays constitutes many moving parts for a business map. There must be some road rules to control the application of all these layers to a map.

Indeed there are. Please read on.

Understand Your Map’s Purpose

The first step in building a helpful business mapping project is to understand your map’s purpose. Get clear on it.

Business maps are generally a visualization of a business process, problem, or plan. For instance, a common use of a business map is the depiction of sales results for commission assignment and account responsibility. That is a process-focused map. The map’s purpose is to define boundaries and establish goals. These maps are usually sales territory maps.

Another widespread use of a business map is for strategic planning. For business planning, maps offer a unique view of possible futures. A planning map’s purpose is to provide ‘what if’ scenarios. “If we grow sales in New England for the next two years, how many more electric delivery vehicles with charging stations are required within these four radii?”

A map used to layout a problem area should include one or more possible solution views.  That’s just common business sense. You know that, right?  Never present a problem to your boss without a viable solution.  “Boss, your mother-in-law just entered the building carrying pepper spray. You should climb out the window located here, on the building and grounds map, and hide behind those bushes.”

Overlays of various data sets on one map can provide those varying views quickly. Use the Map and Databox in MapBusinessOnline to turn imported data layers and map layers on and off. A confident map user can present a map project using MapBusinessOnline live. In this way, a map creator can vary the layers, turning them on and off to present offer possible solutions.

A coverage area map explains your organization’s coverage extent. Coverage area maps do not show extraneous information. These maps should be very focused on areas covered and not on non-related map themes.

The point is, connect your relevant map layers to your map’s purpose and your map will be well received.

Import What is Relevant

This brings me to my next point. Import only data layers relevant to the overall map purpose.  A tech company’s coverage area map might include these layers:

  • Color-coded ZIP codes of areas covered by traveling technicians
  • A customer density data layer
  • Headquarters and branch locations

But the same coverage area map should not include:

  • The previous year’s sales by customer or ZIP code
  • All the Home Depots in the coverage area
  • An overlay of all vernal pools within the coverage area

Keep only relevant data layers in your business map project. Wandering too far from the central purpose of your map risks watering down its effectiveness. If you’ve ever worked for a person with ADHD, you’ll have experienced the frustration of a distracted decision maker. Pass the Adderall, please.

Health Care Insurance Network Map – Many Layers but Purposeful

Minimize Your Data Layers

Some maps deserve extra data layers; make sure your business map requires all the data layers you give it. A good business map is more like Lincoln’s Gettysburg address than Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Too many layers, and your map purpose gets lost in the sauce.

Importing ‘extra’ data layers opens your map up for misinterpretation. Busy, older decision-makers can be overwhelmed by too much detail – too many data layers. Do not subject yourself to ridicule by creating a map visualization that is too busy. Wherever possible – keep it simple.

Steps you can take to keep your data layers under control:

  • Combine similar imported datasets where possible. Combine prospects and customers into one Excel spreadsheet. Use a Customer Type column to differentiate customer types on the map through symbolization and color-coding
  • Consider not using a background map. A blank background with a State outline layer turned on may be all you need for background map reference. Try it both ways and decide
  • Look for redundant map layers and imported data you can turn off. If you don’t need counties or ZIP codes, uncheck them
  • In the Map Legend, uncheck layers that do not require map identification. For instance, no one needs to be told in the Map Legend that the state layer is the state layer

“Make it Stop!” Too many layers…

Review Your Map Text

As your map project takes shape, double-check any text you have added to the map.  Look for misspelling, wrong names, inadvertent map points., and oddball imported data names.

Here’s a list of text areas on a business map that can turn your map project into a laughingstock if you are not careful:

  • Rename imported datasets to something short and descriptive. Our imported data is often named quickly when the dataset is filed on our desktops. You might import a file called – RBDialscustlist11220XCV. Rename it to something such as Client List as of Jan 2020 or even just Client List
  • Review text boxes, map titles, and map legend for misspellings or poor word choices. I find that my focus on map creation may leave the rough text for names or descriptions. Go back to a full map view and carefully review all text on the map
  • Map Titles – MapBusinessOnline map title control is in Map and Data. Name your map title something related to the map purpose. When you near completion of your map project, double-check your title

Consider Your Map Audience

A business map is not something every businessperson has experienced. Mapping and spatial awareness are not natural for all people. Many people comprehend maps quickly. Still, other people may need an  introduction to business mapping. Be aware of your map audience.  Don’t assume the Corner Office is comfortable with maps. Follow the guidelines above and some other best practices listed below and keep your map audience in mind.

Stick to your map purpose, and don’t overwhelm your map viewers. Avoid redundant data layers and double-check your work. Don’t give that skunky VP something to complain about. You know how he can get.

Further reading:


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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How to Generate Location-Based Business Reports Using MapBusinessOnline

Business mapping is, in large part, the geographic arrangement of business data. Business data that is location-based, containing a locating component, is precious because of its geographic visualization potential. Welcome to the magic of business mapping software.

We can assume your business has a list of customers and the amount of money those customers spent on your products over the last year. For example:

Customer Sales Dollars 2020
ABC Corporation $15,678
Vulcan Electric $24,789
Gates Rubber Co. $51,475

The above spreadsheet is valuable to an extent. But this spreadsheet is not a dataset that can be viewed geographically. A location-based dataset would include locating components:

Customer Sales Dollars 2020 Address City State
ABC Corporation $15,678 19 Norwood Ave Rockport MA
Vulcan Electric $24,789 16 Main Street Beverly MA
Gates Rubber $51,475 20 School Street Salem MA

The second spreadsheet is location-based. The data can be imported into a map and accurately located. Complete addresses, ZIP codes, counties, and latitude/longitude coordinates enable the geolocation of data on a business map.

Complete addresses and latitude/longitude coordinates are more accurate than only ZIP codes or Cities. ZIP codes alone only provide a centroid point – the center of the ZIP code. County geocoding requires a State for placement on the map.

Imported location datasets can include other numeric data columns.  Once the data is in a business map, jurisdiction columns such as ZIP code, City, State, County, or Territory, can be analyzed. Location data can also be analyzed by drawn map objects like circles, polygons, or even rhombuses.

Visualizing Your Business Data

In MapBusinessOnline, data can be aggregated or summed by jurisdiction by appending data in labels or adding data to the Data Window view associated with a map object. Label data aggregations communicate totals by area to the map viewer. Jurisdiction label summations are helpful for sales reporting, count tracking per area, percent calculations, and reporting demographic trends. Read more about appending data to the five flexible label fields in MapBusinessOnline.

Label aggregation of COVID-19 vaccination efforts quickly communicates virus mitigation progress for almost anyone’s area of interest. Labels by area are a fast way to get a numeric point across.

USA Full Vaccination Status as of 4/20/2021

Figure 1: Visual confirmation of COVID-19 vaccination progress by % of the total population, using MapBusinessOnline

Generating Location-based Reports

Overlaying location-based datasets on top of business maps is also a mechanism for analysis and reporting. With a business’s location data imported onto a business map, tabular analysis views are suddenly possible. The data can be arranged in the business map analysis view and exported for use outside the application.

The natural beauty of a business map‘s tabular data view is the many potential data overlays possible. These views support nearly all business and organization types:

  • Manufacturing Sales Organizations – Any large or small sales organization will have access to location-based data. CRM systems, ERP systems, Accounts payable records, product sales by region all can be location-based. Find location data and import it into a business map for views and analysis. Popular applications of business map analysis are sales planning, tracking sales results, and expansion planning
  • Franchise Organizations – Franchises areas must be sold. Franchise businesses are usually associated with specific areas of interest or territories. Business maps and accompanying analysis present critical demographic and business elements in support of franchise sales
  • Marketing Organizations – Identifying market segments based on geographic placement or demographic characteristics is essential for marketing planners. Business maps are excellent identifiers of where and why businesses successfully sell into an area. Marketing pros then take that information and triangulate the results across multiple regions to identify new areas where products and services should sell well
  • Operations – Field staff organizations use business maps to establish theaters of operation. Operational maps will efficiently communicate where fieldwork needs to take place. Business maps support construction workers, traveling clinicians, field technicians, and delivery fleets with routing tools, map visualizations, and ZIP code or address lookups, enhancing productivity and improving response results

Select & Arrange Your Data

Analysis views in MapBusinessOnline take place in the Data Window.  Map editors can pull various datasets into the analysis view using the Choose Columns button in the lower right corner of any Data Window view.

The Choose Columns dialog in the MapBusinessOnline Data Window

Figure 2: Choose Columns dialogue used to create map analysis views in MapBusinessOnline

Read more about the powerful Choose Columns button here.

Chose Columns enable the ability to import and arrange the data presented in the Data Window view.  A map creator can remove the default MapBusinessOnline columns and replace them with more relevant data. Further, both map creators and map viewers can filter the data through spatial queries and data filters to generate relevant analysis results for export as reports.

Choose Columns lets the map creator pick one or more columns of imported business data. Often this is the sales data referred to above, but it could be any location-based data relevant to your map analysis. You decide which data is pertinent to your business.

Select columns from the left side of the dialogue and move them to the right using the Arrows in the middle. Move data columns from the right to the left to remove columns from the analysis.  Adjust data layers up and down to place columns exactly where you want them in your output.

Choose Columns also provides access to valuable MapBusinessOnline datasets for analysis:

  • Demographic data – For USA jurisdictions, you’ll have access to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) data. There are a lot of demographic data across multiple years. Canada jurisdictions provide access to Canadian demographic data
  • Geographic data – Work with city, county, state, and ZIP code map layers. MapBusinessOnline Pro lets users add geographic elements to imported data
  • Business Listings – A paid service; see credits included with each subscription. Search MapBusinessOnline business listings by polygon, circle, ZIP code, City, or State. Lookup business listings by Industry type (NAICS & SIC codes). Access contacts and phone numbers by business
  • Calculated Data Columns – Summed and calculated formulas generated from demographic and imported datasets. Display summations, percentage calculations, ratios. Get creative

Export Your Report

Once the territory columns have been optimized, the entire data view can be exported as a CSV file.  MapBusinessOnline’s Data Window has a toolbar along the top. The Export button is the far-right button on the toolbar. Click the button, save the file. Users can open the CSV file from within Microsoft Excel.

Supplement your exported report with exported map images in Jpeg or PNG format. The combined map image and location data report provide documentation for business transactions and market analysis records.

And what sales and marketing pro would not be impressed with a rhombus map object?


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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Getting Started with MapBusinessOnline Territory Mapping

Creating and editing territories is a core feature of MapBusinessOnline. First-time users should begin by creating a territory using a polygon search tool.

I suggest using this approach first because it gives the user a more visceral experience creating a territory.  Select the Polygon option from the Search Tools section of the Master Toolbar.  You’ll see the dropdown arrow – click that arrow and select Polygon. You could also try the Free Form selection tool. I happen to prefer the Polygon search tool for territory creation.

MapBusinessOnline’s Polygon Search Tool

While the user can choose to create territories using one of many map layer alignment options let’s build our territories on ZIP5 codes for this exercise. Each MapBusinessOnline territory is based on one map layer. You cannot mix ZIP codes and Counties in one territory.

In Map and Data, make sure the ZIP code layer is checked on. Then, along the Master Toolbar, look for Search Tools. There, dropdown to select the Polygon search tool. Place your cursor on one of the ZIP codes you intend to include in the territory. Then hold down the cursor button and drag a line through the ZIP code you want to include. Each ZIP code you touch with your line will be included in the territory.

As you drag the line, stop, lift your finger, and press down again to begin in a new direction.  Continue this lassoing of ZIP codes until you drag your line back to the very beginning. When you reconnect your line to the beginning, the shape snaps to a full polygon, and several dialog boxes pop open:

  • In the ‘Search Data‘ box that appears, select the map layer of choice – in our example, it would be ZIP5 codes.
  • With the Map Layer selection made, the ‘Create or Edit Territory‘ dialogue requests a territory name. Name the territory and click Create.
  • With the territory now displayed on the map, and the Data Window Analysis view will pop open.
  • To adjust the analysis view in Map and Data, click Choose Column in the lower right. Read more about the territory analysis options here.

Basic Territory Edits

Your new territory is now created.  Select the Label and click Edit Properties to adjust the territory name, color, and territory labels.  Read more about territory label editing here.

You can adjust the look and feel of the territory you’ve created. This will establish one look and feel on all further ZIP code territories in that map.  Look and feel adjustments are made in Map and Data.  Hover over the Territory Layer and click the Edit Map Layer Properties button.

The General tab opens, and you will find tools for the following adjustments:

  • Territory Outline controls for thickness and color. In general, keep territory borders dark
  • Hide Internal Boundaries – This button would make the ZIP code boundaries internal to your territory disappear. Hide Internal Boundaries is an effective clean-up tool to make your territories look cleaner, less cluttered
  • Transparency Scroll Bar – Move this scroll bar control to the right to make the territory fill more transparent. Adjust to your personal preference or to differentiate the territories from background map objects
  • Color Code Territory Layer – Click to color-code territories by demographics or imported data
  • Manage Calculated Data Columns – Not something a first-time territory creator needs to worry about – Read more here.

The above process is the manual way to create and optimize territories in MapBusinessOnline.  Understanding of this fundamental process, a MapBusinessOnline user can then move on to selecting territories incrementally (a mouse click at a time, holding down the shift key) or importing a territory spreadsheet.  An imported territory spreadsheet should look like one of the below options:

ZIP Code Territory Name Other Data Other Data
01966 Franchise 1 Abc Abc
01986 Franchise 1 123 123
01975 Franchise 2 Abc Abc

Or for counties

County State Territory Name Other Data
Essex MA Franchise 3 Abc
Essex MA Franchise 3 123
Carroll NH Franchise 4 Abc

With your spreadsheet saved, click the Create Territories button, and follow the step-by-step dialogue process. Read more about importing territories here.

Varying Approaches

MapBusinessOnline territory managers can get creative in the way they approach territory management. For instance, a map creator can label their territories creatively:

Sales Organizations may have an interest in naming their territories by the designated sales rep. If Phil Raymond is responsible for a territory, then it makes sense to call it Raymond Territory or even Ray 1 for short. Sales commission calculations and progress against goal can be tracked through the territory process.

Franchise Organizations sometimes name their territories after the area represented geographically. The name of the territory becomes descriptive and can help sell the franchise area.

Insurance Companies have created claim territories named after their associated risk factor. Traveling insurance claim adjusters might assign Area RF-85 for an 85% risk factor. Identifying high risk by area of interest or territory can be a quick visual representation of risk.

Manufacturers, at times, will design their territories around product categories. The territories could be named after a sales rep or a distributing organization. Each product-gets a set of national or regional territories. The overall business view includes marketing budgets, sales forecasts, and eventually sales progress against goal.

Urban vs. Rural Territories

Territory managers will vary territory alignment structures as area characteristics shift from urban to rural settings. Inner city and suburban territories are generally ZIP code-based.  As the business expands into more rural areas, more driving is required. Territories encompass smaller populations. In these more spread-out areas, county-based territories may be more appropriate.

Businesses that may need to consider varying map alignment layers are field staff management organizations and retail chains that cater to urban and suburban customers, like True Value Hardware or General Dollar.  As territory and market analysis move from city to town, counties carry more weight than ZIP codes.

MapBusinessOnline Territory Management

Other factors impacting territory creation approaches include:

  • Coverage areas – Regional or local territories vs. national territories
  • Sales strategies – Online sales, retail sales, direct mail sales, franchise sales
  • Field staff requirements – Clinical, sales, or technical support

Additional Reading

To explore more territory considerations, and options read these articles:


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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5 Outstanding MapBusinessOnline Support Options

Welcome to MapBusinessOnline. This article is a blog describing the various ways to get help with your business mapping software.

We estimate that ninety percent of MapBusinessOnline users never contact us. Most users rarely require help.  As a rule, MapBusinessOnline is intuitive, easy-to-use, and we’ve got various ways to support our user-base.

Help Documentation

As you use MapBusinessOnline, you will find the Help Documentation is in the Help button on the far right of the Master Tool Bar. Help documentation is organized by subject and includes images and some videos describing popular processes like:

  • Basics and Getting Started – Understanding the mapping tools
  • Importing Data – Importing your own business data
  • Working with Maps – How to start, save and open a map
  • Sharing Maps – How to share a map with your constituents
  • Color-coding Location Data – Color-code your imported data by flexible simple or map layer
  • Sales Territory Mapping – Create areas of accountability for your sales team
  • And many more topics

Just click that Help button and take a stroll through the help menus.

The MapBusinessOnline Blog

Each week I write a blog post related to business mapping and MapBusinessOnline applications. I try to cover popular or exciting applications of MapBusinessOnline – which means I’m interested in learning about your use of the tool. Feel free to contact me with your application if you’re interested in sharing.

Popular applications for MapBusinessOnline include:

The Blog also covers standard MapBusinessOnline processes. These articles are similar to help documents but include user tips, application examples, and recent revisions to the tool. And every so often, I include a pun or refer to a TV show from my childhood – to keep it interesting – a case in point.

And then occasionally, I get the ‘Call of the Weird,’ to quote Jerry Garcia, and pen an article that may be way off-topic or presents business mapping in some odd form. So, please look forward to that.

Articles may seem repetitive at times, but I try to incorporate most of the new features we’re constantly adding to the product line. For instance, we’re continually improving territory mapping, and I do what I can to keep our business mappers aware of those enhancements. Often, those news features come directly from you, the user.

Use the Search Function in the upper right quadrant of the Blog to look for subjects that interest you. Type in ‘territories’ or ‘import data.’ The results will provide all the articles addressing those subjects.

Search for Blog topics

Popular and helpful Blog articles:

The Newsletter

Once a month MapBusinessOnline, sends out an opt-in email newsletter. The Newsletter alerts users to impending changes, webinars, or other events. The articles are short and generally refer to blog posts, videos, or landing pages relevant to MapBusinessOnline processes.

The newsletter archive is here.

Please send an email to if you would like to subscribe to the newsletter. We are very cautious about email contact.  We never sell our customer lists. Read more about our privacy policy here.

YouTube Videos

All MapBusinessOnline help videos reside on our MapBusinessOnline YouTube Channel.  You can use the YouTube search function to find videos on various mapping topics. You’ll find the search tool on the right side of the toolbar.  Please note the magnifying glass incom. Just like in the Blog Search, type in a subject and search.

Search for YouTube Help Video topics

Here a few good getting started videos:


Contacting MapBusinessOnline for help is easy. Chat is available across the Website. Look for the Chat option in the lower right of any webpage. Email is available through the Contact button.  Here you can also request a Web Demo.

Email and Chat each let the user communicate questions and problems with the added advantage of allowing pic files, in Jpeg format, to be easily transferred to us.

Pictures are often very helpful in expediting problem resolutions. Pic files of error messages or subtle application issues help us uncover technical and user-based solutions.

Phone support is also available – (800) 935-4025

Get smart about your mapping and use our support tools.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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How Do I Create my First ZIP Code Map?

Many first-time users land on MapBusinessOnline because they looked up the search phrase “ZIP code map,” or something relatively close to that phrase. Typically, these new users have a spreadsheet or a basic list of ZIP codes and they want these ZIP codes highlighted on a map.

MapBusinessOnline can quickly achieve your ZIP code map and more. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If you’re new to business mapping and you’ve got a list of ZIP codes, this is how you import them.

Read More About ZIP Code Maps

Tweak Your Spreadsheet

Give your spreadsheet a little tender loving care. Look at your list in Excel or some other database tool. Make sure you don’t have any superfluous notes on your spreadsheet – just headers and data. Put a heading on your ZIP code column. Maybe call it, “ZIP Codes.” You choose. If you don’t add header rows the application uses the first row as a header and you lose those data records.

Feel free to add other related data if you have any – a column for territory names, sales data, or the number of ATM machines per ZIP code. Whatever data is most relevant to your business.  All that extra data comes along for the ride and may be useful to you in MapBusinessOnline.

Import Your ZIP Code Data

With your spreadsheet cleaned up and any relevant data included, you’re ready to begin the import process.

  1. To directly color code ZIP codes areas choose the Create Territories button on the master toolbar – six buttons in from the left. Use this button even though you may not feel you are creating territories. Go ahead and click the Create Territories button
  2. Click next through the spreadsheet example
  3. Select the top options and browse to your data location on your desktop/laptop. Select your data and then select the sheet in your spreadsheet you want to base the map on. Click Next
  4. Review your data column selections in the geocoding drop-downs. All you need is to make sure your ZIP column is being pulled by the ZIP drop-down
  5. Click Next to Creating Territories. Make sure to select ZIP 5 code both as your Territory Name and as the Create Territories By option. Click Create Territories

Now you should see your ZIP codes color coded on the map with labels displayed for each ZIP code.  Hover over the Territory layer in Map & Data and click the Edit Gear to turn off the labels, or to re-color code by Demographic Data.

There are more things you can do with your data uploaded:

  • You can adjust the transparency bar in Map & Data on the ZIP code layer making those ZIPs a little see-through, so you can see the map data through them
  • You can pull from your imported data and append up to five flexible label fields underneath your ZIP code label
  • You can add demographic data to your ZIP code labels
  • Add other dataset fields you’ve imported to your labeling options
  • Color code your imported ZIP code data by Demographic Data category

ZIP Code Maps  are a popular basic map for projecting your business location data onto a business map for new perspectives. Another approach to ZIP code mapping is heat mapping. Read more about Heat Mapping here.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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