Map-based Market Analysis Tools with Map Business Online Pro

Map Business Online Pro is now released. The Market Analysis functions of Map Business Online Pro is available for Standard and Team Map Business Online subscribers to try in their Market Analysis buttons. This update to your subscription will be available until your subscription comes up for renewal, at which point it will revert to the Standard subscription. Unless, of course, you choose to upgrade. Enjoy!  Keeping in mind that Map Business Online Pro includes all Standard Map Business Online functionality.

And as you get set to try out Map Business Online Pro Market Analysis make sure to download your Mac or PC version of the Map Business Online App. It’s the better, Flash-free way to experience business mapping software.

With Map Business Online Pro, you will be able to perform new levels of market analysis within Map Business Online. Let’s explore a few of those specific features today:

  • Generate multiple territories based on multiple driving distance polygons
  • Batch calculate distances and times from multiple centers
  • Find the Nearest

These are just three examples of the powerful tools available in the Map Business Online Pro marketing toolkit. Your market analysis may entail applying several of these tools to any given analysis project. For example, a growing convenience store chain has a desire to expand into a lucrative urban area. That overall expansion analysis might include an assortment of operations within Map Business Online Pro market analysis.

Competitive Analysis – With imported proposed store locations and key convenience store competitors displayed on the map, the user can use the Search and Segment Data tool to develop a map that displays drive time areas around each proposed store location generating a list of the competitors within a specified radius of each new location.

Territory Analysis – Use the same drive time polygons generated in the above Competitor Analysis to generate multiple ZIP code territories around the best store locations. Then, in the territory analysis view in the Data Window, use the More Data button to import the critical demographic data layers for a thorough analysis of each store’s location appropriateness.

Sales & Marketing Analysis – Find the Nearest – For more detailed market analysis, the convenience store analyst imports a dataset of critical customers from corporate. Visible on the map in large quantities (up to 250,000 locations records per map with Pro!), the analyst applies the preformatted find the nearest search to match the customer address locations with the closest association to the proposed convenience store locations.

Generate Multiple Territories Based on Driving Time or Driving Distance Analysis

Use the first Market Analysis option Search & Segment Data from Multiple Centers. Create a list of segmented territories or build a marketing list for campaign management.

  • Choose the target imported or created data layer in Map Business Online
  • Select the analysis option – Straight distance, Drive time, Drive Distance. If you choose the time option, consider setting the time of day or day of week option which calculates based on historic traffic data.
  • Set a radius scope in miles or minutes, depending on the query. Or select a radius based on a column of your data
  • Configure the parameters of your resultant drive time polygon – color, fill, etc.

Run the analysis. A dialogue will pop-up that presents a CheckBox for multiple territories or multiple marketing lists. Choose the appropriate map layer. For instance, choose ZIP codes to create multiple ZIP code territories.

With those territories selected and created, your next task will be to review each territory to verify accuracy and scope.

Search & Segment by Multiple Drive Times

Batch Calculate Distances and Time

These are the second the third options in Pro Market Analysis. The first option lets you calculate distances or times across one entire dataset of points. The second option, third feature on the list, lets the user calculate distances or times across two datasets.

In either approach, click the function in the Market Analysis button. The tool lets you select a target dataset. To generate a distance analysis across all the location points in one dataset means you’ll need one column for origin points and another column for destination points.

Origin Name Origin ZIP Destination Name Destination ZIP
Tangier 01966 One Center 01971
Blue 01978 Two Broadway 01964
Red 01964 Six Main 01972

Those points could be addresses, latitude/longitude coordinates, or even ZIP codes. Alternatively, the user can select a point on the map and choose the Market Analysis button associated with that point. Use that point as the center target for all your distance measures from the assigned dataset.

To reiterate – there are three ways to approach this analysis.

  1. Use a dataset with Origin and Destination columns.
    1. Import your data into Map Business Online
    2. In Market Analysis choose the second option Batch Calculate Distance and Time across One Dataset
    3. Select the data and the origin and destination columns
  2. Select a point in any dataset you’ve imported to your map
    1. On the Popup menu associated with that point choose the Market Analysis button
    2. Select the dataset you’d like to Calculate Distances to and process
  3. Place a new location point on the map using the Address Bar or the Draw Tool point placement.
    1. On the Popup menu associated with that point choose the Market Analysis button
    2. Select the dataset you’d like to Calculate Distances to and process

Here’s a video describing the Calculate Distance tool in a basic format.

With both Store and Customer datasets imported into Map Business Online, choose the Aggregate Data button in Market Analysis.

  • In the dropdowns provided assign the appropriate datasets to Store and Customer
  • Select up to three columns in the Customer Data set to include in the Store analysis report
  • Assign a specific radius distance

Here’s a video showing the exact process described above.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll continue to explore the various applications and operations associated with Map Business Online Pro Market Analysis.

Are you using the Map Business Online Desktop App for MAC or PC? It’s hipper than Instagram and it comes with your subscription. Escape Web-Browser Tyranny!

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling Map Business Online.

Win a $20 Gift Card! Refer a business associate to Map Business Online in exchange for a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

America’s best geo mapping software.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

Discover Map Business Online – tools for making maps for business


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Map Business Online Pro – Press Release

CORNISH, ME (September 30, 2019) — SpatialTEQ Inc., publisher of North America’s leading business mapping software, today announces the release of Map Business Online Pro (MBO Pro), a map-based business intelligence software for sales and marketing professionals, and operational planners. Map Business Online Pro, a cloud service, offers advanced market analysis capabilities and the ability to import and plot an industry-leading 250,000 location points per map. Map Business Online Pro includes all the functionality of Map Business Online Standard with the addition of multiple location search with segmentation by driving time and distance, as well as a ‘find nearest location with distance’ calculator.

MBO Pro users will use this advanced tool to conduct a variety of market analysis including:

  • Generate proximity searches across multiple datasets for the nearest target objective
  • Identify new market opportunities by area assessments and demographic analysis
  • Create dot-density maps of up to 250,000 imported location points per map
  • Develop customer and prospect lists supporting sales and marketing activities
  • Assess straight-line and driving time distance calculations between facility location points for analysis and planning
  • Generate multiple territories from multiple center point radius searches by ZIP code, county, or alternative map layers

Search & Segment by Multiple Drive Times

Search and Segment Data from Multiple Centers

Map Business Online Pro market analysis enables the creation of multiple straight line or driving time/distance queries across an array of center points. MBO Pro users will compile market analysis query results into marketing lists for follow-up or further analysis. Results may be segmented by center point or distance.

In addition to providing straight line and drive time query distances, MBO Pro will enable map visualizations of more than one-hundred drive time polygons at once. These drive time queries will be time-of-day and day-of-week configurable, enabling traffic assessments for businesses with critical delivery deadlines.

MBO Pro market analysis searches of multiple center point map layers may be used to generate multiple territories at one time. Query results may be augmented with Map Business Online demographic data or other user imported data layers.

Find Nearest Locations & Distance Calculator

MBO Pro enables the generation of proximity searches by straight-line or drive time distances across an array of data. For example, sales department users will be able to search the proximity of all customer locations for the nearest specific store. Health care users will be able to search an array of patient locations and report the nearest medical center(s).

In addition to any nearest locations search results, driving time and driving distance calculations will be reported. A straight-line distance option is also available.

Batch Calculate Distances

With Map Business Online Pro, logistics planners will be able to calculate driving distances and driving times for a set of origins and destinations. OD calculations will apply to pairs within one dataset or across two disparate datasets. Results assist in the assessment of best routing options for delivery businesses.

Additional new features in Map Business Online Pro include the ability to:

  • Generate time-of-day or day-of-the-week configurable drive time and driving distance queries. Useful for traffic assessments and alternative route planning
  • Create Region and Division sales territory assignments
  • Save Up to 400 map files

Map Business Online Pro is a cloud-based service available as a downloadable desktop application for Windows or Mac computers or a web browser-based accessed service.   Subscriptions include access to technical support. Custom map services for an hourly fee are available upon request. Read more about Map Business Online Pro here.

Create Multiple Territories Quickly

About Map Business Online                                                   

From the creators of BusinessMAP, has been providing sales & marketing professionals with affordable and intuitive cloud-based business mapping software, for Mac and PC users, since 2010. Design, edit, and share maps that reflect your business. Create and manage sales territories that drive accountability into your sales force. Replace discontinued Microsoft MapPoint with MapBusinessOnline. Access optimized multi-stop routes to drive down travel costs. No other mapping software solves so many problems for such a small investment.

Contact: Geoffrey Ives   (800) 425-9035, (207) 939-6866


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Suggestions for First Time Users of Map Business Online

Some of you are excited – ready to dive in. Go for it.  Others are reticent -wary of new technology. Still others, like me, are old farts. Perhaps you geezers are sick of robocalls, email scammers, and password wars. Regardless of who you are, you should all be able to use Map Business Online to conduct your business mapping. Just remember, a business map is a visualization tool. It’s different than a word processor or a spreadsheet.

Use the Help Button, the Help YouTube Videos, and the Blog

Help documentation is your friend. The help, YouTube videos, and the Blog are all searchable by topic. Chat and email are great for simple questions. Chat is tough for complex questions. You may want to start with this introductory video which will get you familiar with the basic tools in map Business Online.

Is Map Business Online Easy to Use?

Some users ask this question. We certainly think Map Business Online is easy-to-use. We spend a lot of time thinking about ease-of-use and updating the program to make it more functional and to make it easier for users to understand and master. But ease-of-use is very personal. Today, all of us use a multiplicity of online digital tools both at home and at work. It can get overwhelming. Take it slow. And as much as you can, try to make it fun. Maps are cool and so are you for using maps at work.

What’s easy for Mary may be torture for Mark, and require some effort from Marni.

Replacing MapPoint

Map Business Online is a MapPoint replacement. It does 80% of what MapPoint did and in many ways is a better application. Our methods vary.  MapPoint was a desktop tool, Map Business Online is a cloud service.

Use the Map Business Online App

The App is a better user experience overall. More effective, more efficient, and and easier to access once set-up. Do yourself a favor. Use the App.

Importing Data or Dropping in Addresses

Plotting an address spreadsheet, with separate columns for Address|City|State| and ZIP code is the easiest way to get your location data into Map Business Online. Here’s a video on importing location data from an Excel spreadsheet. Dropping points on the map one-by-one using a drawtool or the address bar in the upper left-hand corner is easy but it can mean you lose the ability to query data in the most effective manner.

Digital Maps are not Always Correct

While rare, errors in the map data do occur. Sadly, maps are not perfect. They are created mostly by people. Let us know if you think something is amiss and we will make sure our data providers are made aware and, if it proves to be a real error, they will correct it.

Save Your Map

If you’ve put some work into building a business map, and it’s starting to look like something useful to you, save that map. Click the Save button on the left side of the Master Toolbar (3rd button in from the left.).  Now your map is stored in the Map Library Folder (2nd button in from the left.) During the save process you can always save your map as a Template, thus preserving original map work for all time.

The Easy Stuff

You are going to use map business online to create some sort of map visualization of your work. Many of these processes are straight forward.

  • Import, visualize and color-code your business location data. Importing an Excel spreadsheet and viewing your business data is the most common application of Map Business Online. Thousands of business map users are doing this every day. So, you are not alone, and it’s eminently doable. Don’t just plot addresses one at a time. That’s caveman stuff. Import an organized spreadsheet of your data and import it using the plot data button. Read more here.
  • Create fast and accurate radius searches. Read this blog: Plot a Point – Draw a Circle – Query the Population There’s a video included in the blog. Radius maps are easy. But remember there are polygon search tools and drive time search tools too.
  • Build heat map visualizations. Heat maps take your numeric data, imported as a spreadsheet, and turn it into an intensity layer on the map. Like a tornado map. Watch out! Read more about heat mapping.
  • Build and edit sales territories. This is the same as territory management or territory alignment. Don’t be fooled by nomenclature. It’s all about creating zones or areas of interest that are assigned to people. Map Business Online makes it easy. And territories, though most often used by sales departments, are used by insurance claims departments, by home care organizations, by franchise companies, and many other types of business. They pretty much all work the same. So don’t let some whiz-bang at a party make you feel like he’s special because he designs casket territories. His business is probably dead anyway.
  • Quick Demographic Data pulls or summaries – When you create a radius/circle or a polygon search in Map Business Online a mini-toolbar pops up. There’s a sideways M icon on that toolbar that initiates a quick Demographic selection process based on your map object’s shape. This is the Summary Button and it lets you grab data pulls for areas fast, for map viewing or export.
  • Optimized Routing – Create marketing lists out of your imported location data. Use the Data Window’s Route to All Rows button to generate routes for your business trips, sales associates, or field staff. Remember, you can share maps as an interactive URL for free or at extremely low cost. Your constituents will be able to generate routes with that shared URL. You’re welcome.

The Harder Stuff

  • Calculated Data Columns – Sometimes you need to do some work on data layers to get what you need out of a map. Like combining all the Older aged population layers to get everyone aged 65 and older in one data layer. Calculated data columns will help you sum and subtract or multiply and divide data layers. Read more.
  • Market Analysis – Map Business Online standard includes a Market Analysis tab that enables straight-line distance analysis across a set of location centers. It’s a great first step for businesses interested in exploring better markets for their products and services based on the success they’ve had in known markets. See Map Business Online Pro and explore market analysis even deeper – driving times, driving distances, enriched data, and up to 250,000 location points per map. (Release is scheduled for Friday)
  • Access Business Listings – Business listings are available through Map Business Online.  They cost $0.15 each and you’ll need to search based on NAICS or SIC codes that you find onlineRead this blog to learn more. I said this stuff was harder.

Are you using the Map Business Online Desktop App for MAC or PC? It’s hipper than Instagram and it comes with your subscription. Escape Web-Browser Tyranny!

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling Map Business Online.

Win a $20 Gift Card! Refer a business associate to Map Business Online in exchange for a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

America’s best geo mapping software.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

Discover Map Business Online – tools for making maps for business


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Map Business Online for Marketing

In preparation for our product release – Map Business Online Pro, scheduled for the fourth week of September, consider how Map Business Online is already used as a marketing mapping tool.

The current release of Map Business Online has a Market Analysis button on the master toolbar.  It is that set of market analysis tools that will be enhanced by the release of Map Business Online Pro. Users who upgrade to Pro will find multi-center point analysis by driving time and driving distances, as opposed to simple radius searches and straight-line distances measures. Map Business Online Pro users will also be allowed to import up to 250,000 location records per map, among other cool features.

Marketing professionals across North America use Map Business Online as a platform for displaying marketing areas of interest. Often those maps utilize the ZIP code and county layers included in Map Business Online. But the Add Map Layers button also offers a Census Bureau/OMB district layer called Metropolitan Statistical Areas or MSA’s.

MSA geographies were created by the United States Office of Management and Budget to represent major urban areas around the USA for  market analysis. More specifically:

The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has defined 384 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for the United States and eight for Puerto Rico.[1] The OMB defines a Metropolitan Statistical Area as one or more adjacent counties or county-equivalents that have at least one urban core area of at least 50,000 population, plus adjacent territory that has a high degree of social and economic integration with the core as measured by commuting ties.

MSA’s provide map users with standardized major metropolitan areas to build sales territories or analysis around. These districts can be used to develop market analysis for business expansion. Map Business Online demographic data is preformatted for analysis by MSA. This can help streamline market analysis around a city without the added pain of pulling in all the major jurisdictions for that urban area.

Think of it this way. An area like Washington DC, or Minneapolis/St. Paul is not made up of one big city. They are often an area made up of multiple cities, boroughs, or neighborhoods. Analysis by area then requires a step dedicated to consolidating those city components  into a territory or marketing area. In which case, MSA’s are already available for exactly that type of analysis.

Demographic Analysis by ZIP Code or MSA

Market Analysis often relies on demographic data. Census Bureau demographic data is a broad library of statistics about how people live and work here in the United States. While Map Business Online doesn’t provide every Census layer yet, the library of demographic data options available in the tool is significant and growing.

These demographic layers provide critical information about your business’s customers: who they are, how they live, and where they live. Just the brief exercise of mapping your company’s most lucrative ZIP code and then overlaying a few key demographics can be an eye-opening experience. If you haven’t conducted that market analysis, you should.

Maps are Just Cool

It’s nice when every so often you get reminded about how cool the mapping software you sell is. I was on a call with a customer this week. A talented young lady whose job title is Franchise Development Manager. She works for a franchise company and uses Map Business Online to create map visualizations and franchise territories supporting their franchise selling process.

In discussing her use of our business mapping software, she made one of those obvious statements that you wished you’d come up with. She said, “Map visualizations, equal sales.” For a franchise sales business, a business map helps close the deal.

Visualizations Equal Sales

This truism for business mapping software is very powerful. Converting a complex business operation into a business map can be transformative and informative at once. If your business system lends itself to a geographic view, map visualizations can make that sale. Not all business models will present with obvious geographic elements, but map visualizations can be extremely useful none the less.

Because sometimes the presentation you have coming up, or the public meeting you’re attending this week or even your boundary trampling in-laws, can benefit from a succinct and well-positioned map visualization. “Mom, Dad. We love you, but if you stop over before 9 AM on a weekend morning one more time, this section of the map, right under my cursor here, color-coded in blood red, is where you are going to be buried. And much sooner than you think.”

A well-constructed map visualization of a business system, that lends itself to geographic descriptions – one that uses address data in some way or considers coverage areas in terms of ZIP codes or counties – becomes a powerful sales and marketing tool. A carefully crafted business map carries authority. Maps are convincing.

Maps can equal sales. And marketing maps can drive conversions.

Maps Build Awareness

And gosh darn it, people like maps. You can do a variety of cool things with Map Business Online. In addition to creating sales territories and identifying the number of white male geezers (Google Definition: informal, derogatory, an old man) that reside in ZIP code 90210, a business map user can:

  • Turn on the satellite map background and fly to your favorite childhood home or grandparent’s residence, for a bird’s-eye view that didn’t exist when you were a kid
  • Plan that extensive summer-time mountain hike for next year, that your significant other promises to do, but never really seriously intends to even attempt
  • Or create weird looking marketing maps like this one

A Marketing Map Using MSA’s

Maps are always surprising humans. Mapping technology has advanced rapidly over my lifetime. As digital maps became ubiquitous, people became more engaged in active mapping. Users complain when addresses are wrong, ZIP codes are incorrectly placed, or when points-of-interest data are not accurately represented.  Maps, made by humans, are never perfect. But map users demand better maps every day.  And they will get better. Just look at Columbus’ maps.

Maps have improved awareness so much that today maps are regularly used to solve crimes. A case in point revealed as I wrote this blog. If you plan on committing a crime, make sure to take mapping software advances into account.

So keep those marketing maps coming, and have fun with them. Because most of us have in-laws. And map visualizations can keep them at bay.

Are you using the Map Business Online Desktop App for MAC or PC? It’s hipper than Instagram and it comes with your subscription. Escape Web-Browser Tyranny!

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling Map Business Online.

Win a $20 Gift Card! Refer a business associate to Map Business Online in exchange for a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

America’s best geo mapping software.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

Discover Map Business Online – tools for making maps for business



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How to Review Your Business Map to Maximize Its Effectiveness

How could this sales territory map be improved? At first glance, many might think this is a great map. They might even wish they could develop a business map that looked like this map. But does this map serve its purpose, a territory map, in the best possible way? How could we improve its look?

A Business Map the Needs a Refresh

The first thing I think of when I look at this map is – the map is too red. Why is that? Well, as it turns out the ZIP code layer is color-coded by Census population data, using a graduated red color scheme. I could tell that this was the case by retrieving the Map Legend and turning on the ZIP code layer in that legend. Read more about map legends in Map Business Online.

Another way to check for color-code schemes is to click the Color-Code map button and see what data is selected and how it has been shaded.

An additional aspect I don’t like about the map is the “Prospect” point layer color choice – black. Against the dark red ZIP code map layer is too dark for the map viewer to distinguish the black points against the map. Dark points against a dark map get lost, in the sauce. “Make it stop!”  For now, I just turned it off. But you could make the point layer color a lighter Blue or Yellow.

As we use Map Business Online to create business maps, our stored map library gets more and more populated. We might create a map on the fly for general business purposes and as that maps get used for this application and that application, its applicability could deteriorate to the point where your attention may be required. You need to re-edit that map.

A Cleaner Business Map

Back to my map issues. I can do a few things right away to get my map back to where I want it to be.

  1. Using Map and Data I can uncheck the ZIP code layer and the Region layer, re-exposing my territories, as originally intended.
  2. I can also uncheck the Prospect point layer using Map and Data.

When I uncheck these layers and just view my territory layer, the map becomes much more effective as a communicating visualization. It clearly defines a group of sales territories. The labels are off, and the black Prospect points are gone. Personally, I like this map view.

It’s clean:

  • The territory boundaries are clearly defined.
  • The fill colors of the territories are not overstated, and the colors used are fairly balanced – not too many overlapping shades. That is a thing.
  • There is no background map applied in this case. Sometimes that’s a relief on the eyes. Sometimes the viewer needs the background map for spatial reference.

A Map Business Online user can control the map legend placement from within Map and Data by clicking the Map and Data Edit Gear and choosing to Edit Map Legend. You can see how selecting the territory layer in legend control adds value. It clarifies what this map is all about. You could add more layer definitions to the legend but do so only if it’s necessary for communicating map meaning. Map legends quickly get crowded and lose value.

Rethink Your Labels

But we should probably address labeling. Because a territory map usually requires labels to help the map viewer understand what they are looking at. And, in Map Business Online, it’s easy to aggregate numeric values from imported data, like sales figures, into the label. So, here’s the same map with labels turned on. I left the Map and Data label dialogue in the picture view so you could see the Show Label button – “Add All Custom Labels.”

Adjust Labels

Now as I look at those labels, I think their clarity could be improved. So, while still in Map and Data, I’ll choose Format Labels and where I’ve already selected the labeling scheme and I will adjust the label text to remove the word ‘results’. I also changed the font size of the label to small. Now the map appears more concise and less cluttered. A final label tweak – I manually moved the overlapping labels apart with my cursor.

Adjust Text on Labels

The last move I’m going to make on this map is to turn the Map Title back on. That’s also located in Map and Data, under edit map properties. The map title can add that obvious statement explaining what the heck this map is.

A Cleaned Up Territory Map

I write all of this to give the Map Business Online user a sense of how to adjust some map controls to get back to a map that communicates effectively. And to show that even after you’ve created and settled on your map view, going back and viewing it later may expose some easy updates that will make your map sing once again, or for the first time.

Are you using the Map Business Online Desktop App for MAC or PC? It’s hipper than Instagram and it comes with your subscription. Escape Web-Browser Tyranny!

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling Map Business Online.

Win a $20 Gift Card! Refer a business associate to Map Business Online in exchange for a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

America’s best geo mapping software.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

Discover Map Business Online – tools for making maps for business


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How Do I Edit MapBusinessOnline Maps?

Sometimes users who are new to MapBusinessOnline find it easy to create a map and build a territory, but then they have trouble finding the editing tools. Users come to MapBusinessOnline business mapping software from MapPoint, Maptitude, eSpatial, and sometimes no map experience at all.  Every software system has a process for editing. So, where are the Editing Tools in MapBusinessOnline?

We certainly do not mean to hide editing tools. Once you’ve been shown how they work, it should be easy for you to find editing tools again and to uncover new editing features as your use expands.

Download Business Listings for Competitor Maps

Editing Map Layers Look & Feel

A map layer in Map Business Online is a ZIP code layer, a County layer, and a Territory Layer; pretty much any layer you see listed in the CheckBox of Map and Data. Read more about Map and Data.

To find the editing tools for any layer, hover over the map layer description in Map and Data and click the Edit Map Layer Button. This gives you access to the map look and feel tools. Here you can edit fill and boundary colors as well as boundary widths. Transparency controls are located here as well. And under the Labels tab, you will be able to edit the labels of all map layers, including adding aggregated demographic or imported business data totals to labels. There are five flexible label fields available for relevant numeric business data to be aggregated into a map layer label.  Which means you can total annual sales by ZIP code, or aggregate all expenses by territory.

Editing a Sales Territory‘s Components

To edit the base segments of an already constructed territory, make sure your component map layer is checked on and visible. For instance, make sure ZIP codes are available for selection. To remove a section from a territory made up of ZIP codes, select the first ZIP code, targeted for removal, with your cursor. When presented with a choice between Territory name and ZIP code ID, choose the ZIP code.

Now hold down the shift key and select as many additional ZIP codes as required for the total edit. When you’ve selected all your targets, click the “Edit Territories” Puzzle Piece icon in the mini toolbar. Now you’ll be presented with a set of options:

  • Create New
  • Add to
  • Update
  • Move to
  • Intersect with
  • Remove from all
  • Remove from all except

In this case, click Remove. The territory will be adjusted, and the Data Window will present the new list of ZIP codes associated with the original territory name. This approach works for all map layers – ZIP5, ZIP3, county, state, MSA, and Census tracts. Please note, this approach to map layer selection and editing also works for territory creation – hence the Create New option in the edit list dropdown.

To further edit the territory map look and feel click the Territory Label. Along the mini toolbar associated with that territory, find and click the Edit Territory Properties button. Here you will find editing tools for editing territory names, color fill adjustments, and label controls. Use this tool to make your territories stand out, or fade into the background, depending on your map’s purpose.

Another aspect of territory maps is the MapBusinessOnline Data Window analysis view. There are some editing, filtering, and database management tools in the Data Window. Read more about the Data Window here.

Editing a Map Object

Editing Imported Data

To edit one record at a time from the Data Window, however over the far left column of your target data row. Click the Edit Pencil that appears. The Location dialogue appears. Edit either the General record or the Callout label.

A new feature is the ability to delete multiple records at once from that Data Window. Select one record and then hold down Shift to grab all entire groups of records, or hold down Shift to select records incrementally. When ready, hit any delete key associated with a selected row. Poof! Their gone. Hit the back button above the Master Toolbar to undo.

For full control over imported data editing and mass edits, a Map Business Online user should apply the Unique ID system. This means adding a column to your imported data that assigns a unique identifying number to each record. It could be as simple as 01, 02, 03.  Read more about unique ID use here.

The unique ID approach enables data editing through the Data Window view. Select your imported data (with a unique ID) in the Data Window dropdown. Hover your cursor over the target record’s left column of color dots. (Those colored dots represent how accurately your data geocoded.) Click on the Pencil Icon. Choose to edit Address & Location or edit Data Properties. Go nuts.

Sometimes a user may want to edit imported data record formatting in Map Business Online. For instance, a phone number might not look like a phone number. For data formatting edits, return to the Map and Data box. Hover over your imported data layer. Click the Edit Map Properties button and then, under the General Tab, select Customize Dataset.

Within customize Dataset you will find three dropdown options. They enable accordingly:

Editing a Draw Layer, Otherwise Known as a Map Object

Sometimes you just need a circle or a polygon on the map. A user might use that drawn map object to query an area of imported data points. By selecting either a Search Data tool or a Draw Tool (these tools are located right next to each other in the middle of the Master Toolbar) the user can easily query a data layer or Summarize Data available within MapBusinessOnline. Read more about the Summary Tool.

Each Search Tool or Draw Tool map object has an object editing tool associated with it. You’ll see the Edit Box appear when the object is created or reselected. Within that box are tools to edit color, fill and label. Have a ball.

The Wrap Up

The above-described editing processes address most of the editing processes in MapBusinessOnline. You’ll find a few more general editing tools in Map and Data like Legend Control, Map Title, Territory Intersection, and miscellaneous controls. Don’t be afraid to poke around on your own in MapBusinessOnline. You can’t break the map. Explore the tools:

  • Along the master toolbar
  • The data window toolbar
  • The More Data button in the Data Window lower left
  • Map and Data
  • Use the Help button
  • And use the Blog
  • Contact us via the contact button or Chat

I promise that you will quickly become a regular user of all the editing tools in MapBusinessOnline.


MapBusinessOnline access has officially transitioned from Web Browser (Adobe Flash Player) access to the Map App download access.

  • Please download the Map App from the website –
  • After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows’ Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option. You can drag the icon to the taskbar for a quick launch button.
  • All saved maps will be available through your Map Library Folder, the second button in from the left on the Master Toolbar. (Green File Folder icon.)

Map App access to provides enhanced features and a better user experience.

The Map App includes the new Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Value-Added Resellers – Offer the tool to your customers as a reseller. Make money on training and consulting. Contact us with further interest in reselling MapBusinessOnline.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson

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How to Create Territories, Regions, and Divisions Using MapBusinessOnline

Territories, regions, and divisions are geographic areas designed to enhance and organize the sales management process. These sales territory alignment areas of account responsibility provide a platform for communicating goals, establishing sales accountability, and tracking progress against goals.

Sales managers in charge of a region focus on the big company picture. They are directing their team of territory managers toward regional sales goals.

All the regional sales revenues and expenses roll up into the divisional numbers. A division sales manager is laser-focused on the bigger picture. They need to ensure the regional managers have all the resources required to achieve the company goals for the year.

MapBusinessOnline Standard provides easy-to-use mapping software for sales territories. Its sales territory creation process offers a choice between incremental cursor selection, polygon tool lassoing of areas, and a territory spreadsheet import process for creating new territories.

Easy territory editing tools let the territory builder quickly alter their ZIP code, county, or other map layer selections. MapPoint users will find MapBusinessOnline a vital step forward in digital sales territory management while providing a familiar map interface.

Learn More About MapBusinessOnline Pro

Creating Hierarchical Territories

The thing to remember about developing territories, regions, and divisions is that they are built-in hierarchical fashion – territories first, followed by regions, and then divisions. One builds upon the other. Hierarchical Region and Division creation are only available in MapBusinessOnline Pro.

  1. Create Territories First
    1. Territories in MapBusinessOnline can be created using spreadsheets referencing ZIP codes, counties, or state map layers, plus a column for Territory Name. (Other map layers can be added, including, Census tracts, Marketing Statistical Areas, and ZIP 3 areas.)
    2. Territories are also constructed using a polygon search tool to lasso a series of ZIP codes, counties, or states into a territory.
    3. A user can create territories incrementally by selecting one ZIP code or county at a time with your mouse cursor (hold down the shift key for multi-select.)
  2. Regions are created by merging territories with a polygon search tool. Once you’ve chosen your target group, finish the polygon and name the region. Do this for all your regions.
  3. Divisions are the Final Step – A division is created similarly to the regions. The only difference for division creation is that the polygon search tool selects groups of regions.

In hierarchical construction, Regions cover territories, and divisions cover regions. While you create territories, or later as you develop regions and divisions, you will notice that the various layers obstruct the visibility layers underneath. MapBusinessOnline provides map layer editing tools to resolve the overlaying visibility challenges in Map and Data.

Focus on Regions & Divisions

Adjusting Your Territory Map’s Look and Feel

Use Map and Data‘s Edit Map Layer Properties function to edit the look and feel of the various map layers. These editing tools help users create exactly the map view their map audience needs to see. Read more about Map and Data here.

To access these map adjustment tools, hover your mouse cursor over the Territory Map Layer and click the Edit Map Properties Button. A panel opens up and displays various tools that support territory map editing. Within the map and data layer tools, you will find tools to:

  • Adjust the thickness and color of territory map boundaries.
  • Adjust the color fill of the territory areas. The Transparency Scroll Bar is critical to territory, region, and division management. Transparency controls allow your viewers to see all hierarchical layers at once if you desire it.
  • Choose to Hide Internal Boundaries (like ZIP code areas) in your territory map. You may leave base layers visible if they are essential to your map audience.
  • Choose to color code the territory map based on demographic data or a numeric element, such as sales results included with your imported data.

Under Territory Options, Map and Data also allow the map creator to enable and display areas of territory overlap. Users typically show that overlap with a specific color choice, like bright red. Here, toward the bottom of Map and Data, the user can choose an appropriate map background – or none at all.

All of these tools impact the way your map looks. And this means you will have to decide what look and feel best supports your business’s territory map requirements. Read about business map look and feel recommendations here. But in general:

  • Avoid obnoxious colors.
  • Keep boundaries dark and not too thick.
  • Make any text concise and keep it pertinent to your map intent.
  • Avoid map clutter – too many data layers can be overbearing.
  • Try a variety of color schemes and select the most appropriate.
  • Ask a colleague for their perspective.

Import and Display Business Data

A critical aspect of sales territory maps is aggregating sales data by segment, especially with regions and divisions. With MapBusinessOnline, imported data should include sales by time segment. Customer data imported by customer address would consist of a column for total sales by account. These sales records or points on the map can be easily aggregated into sales totals by territory, region, and division.

MapBusinessOnline labeling tools are located in Map and Data. Click Edit Map Properties and choose the Label Tab. Here you’ll be able to fill five flexible fields under each territory or region label with your most critical data totals. You could also fill in these fields with demographic data included with your subscription. Read more about map labeling here.

The above-described sales territory mapping tools provide various visual options to help your sales managers better monitor and manage sales progress against the territory, region, or division goals. Use these tools to share progress with your sales team or present results to the management team.


Discover why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra or g2crowd.

Contact: Geoffrey Ives at or Jason Henderson at

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Accessing MapBusinessOnline Business Listings for Sales Growth

So, you manage or own a regional business and you’re looking for more customers. You have a service business that caters to other local businesses by providing cleaning, plowing, or landscaping services. You’ve done well. But you want to grow. After all, you’ve hired a couple of salespeople. You need to:

MapBusinessOnline may be just the thing to help expand your business. Our data mapping software provides an array of tools that can geographically organize your marketing and sales teams.  MapBusinessOnline also provides access to Business Listings in your area or area of interest, searchable by business name, industry, or geography.

Try MapBusinessOnline Business Mapping Software for Free

We offer a free, 1-month trial, that provides a limited-feature experience with the opportunity to import and visualize your address-based customer lists, in spreadsheet format, onto a business map. The free trial includes a set of free business listing credits you can apply to any area of the USA map.

One of the first things customers try to do, when they sign up for MapBusinessOnline, is import customer address data. Read more about importing customer data here. Customers also like to build sales territories. MapBusinessOnline is the best sales territory mapping software. You can build three territories using the free trial. Read about setting up sales territories here.  Don’t forget to try the free ZIP code radius tool.

Accessing Business Listings

The nub of your interest maybe be generating business intelligence and customer prospects by location. Consider MapBusinessOnline business listings.

Along the Master Toolbar at the top of the application, in the Search Tools section, find the Icon Button showing a Yellow Pages Book with Binoculars. That’s the Business Listing Button.

From within this button, you will be able to find business listings by:

  • Business name
  • Industry category
  • Geography – ZIP code, City, or State or by drawing a polygon on the map

You can test any of these approaches using the Business Listings search function and the application will tell you the number or count of business listings under that category and located within your area of interest. Try it by business name:

Under Business Name, in the first blank field, type in McDonald’s. It will flash a message telling you there are 23,233 businesses with that name across the country. Now, that total includes McDonald’s restaurant, but it could include other businesses using the McDonald’s name, such as Mcdonald’s Farm. Click Validate to engage the target business in the Business Listing search.

Now click the Count button in the lower right of the right-side panel. Once again, you will find that same count because the area you’ve specified is the whole nation.

So, let’s narrow it down.

Search Business Listings by Geography and Polygon

Click into the Geography section of MapBusinessOnline Business Listings. Choose ZIP code. Type in 02134 and press Validate. Now click the count in the lower right. One McDonald’s in the Boston ZIP code 02134. The State geography search works the same way (use a two-letter abbreviation) as does City, which you will have to spell out with a State abbreviation referenced: Worcester, MA

The Validate and Count processes confirm the number of businesses in your area of interest under that name or industry category. There is no fee until you choose to start the buying process by clicking Next in the lower right of the Business Listings results page.

To reset the search, and get rid of the ZIP code we searched, simply click Clear All. Now you may start again.

Another way to search by geography is to create a polygon or circle on the map. Click into the section called Circle or Polygon. You can read the instructions in the dialogue box.

  • Close the business listings dialogue and return to the Master Toolbar
  • Select Search Tools to the right of the Business Listing Button
  • Now select the Circle or Polygon tool and draw your area of interest on the map
  • In the Mini-Toolbar next to the map object click the Business Listings button (that Yellow Pages book icon again)

Your Business Listing dialogue has reappeared, but this time it notes the Polygon or Circle you just drew, as the search area. Type in McDonald’s again to see how many businesses, with that name, are located in your area of interest.

At this point in the process, you could buy those listings by clicking Next in the lower right.  But let’s keep searching for business listings.

Search by Industry Using NAICS Code

Searching business listings by industry type mean you can isolate business listings into sensible categories like dentist offices vs. dental associations or dental equipment suppliers. There are thousands of categories of businesses. So, having a resource to narrow down that search is important.

Fortunately, the National Association of Industry Classifications (NAICS) handles this for us. SIC codes were an earlier and similar categorization of industries. Either classification scheme is usable in Map Business Online.

To search by Industry, you will need to go to NAICS to search for the categories of business listing industries you want to pull. Go here and look up some of the industry types you’re interested in – Get the codes and bring those 6 digit codes back to MapBusinessOnline for a search. Examples:

  • Machine Shop – 332710
  • Animal Protection – 115210
  • Furniture Stores – 442110

Once you’ve found a category you think will work for your market, jot down the codes or copy the code, open the MapBusinessOnline Business Listings search, select Industry and paste in your category code. Click Validate and Count to see how many of those records are in your area of interest.

Once you decide to purchase a set of business listings, click Next. The tool will report how many listings you are purchasing, how many current credits you have, and how many will be left after this transaction. Each credit has a base value of $0.15. Purchase pricing breaks at 5,000 units, down to $0.10 each.

Business Listing Points on the Map

After purchasing your MapBusinessOnline business listings, your set of listings will display on the map as points. You are free to color-code or symbolize these records as you would any other dataset in MapBusinessOnline. If you are asking yourself, “How do I color code a map?” click here. You’ll also have a Data Window view with data details. Feel free to export the data out for use outside the application.

Business Intelligence from Business Listings

MapBusinessOnline mapping software can be viewed as map-based business intelligence. Business listing data secured through MapBusinessOnline includes information about each business:

  • The critical contacts at each location with contact information
  • Employee counts
  • Rough sales estimates
  • Branch locations

This information coupled with business mapping capabilities lends a vast amount of business intelligence for your company to apply to market analysis, competitor analysis, expansion planning, and strategic planning. Transform your organization into a map based business and reap the intelligence reward.

For example, a retail chain competitor imported into MapBusinessOnline gives the map viewer the geographic extent of the competitor branches. The map viewer can get a sense of business size and branch location placement. By considering this information along with demographic data, existing customer and resource location data, a business manager has a pretty good sense of their market position. For a few more critical details, call a few contacts from your downloaded business listings. Pretend you’re Ed McMann.

“This is Ed McMann from Publisher’s Clearing House. What is your best selling product.? What?  Anything goes nowadays, right?”

OK. So celebrity impersonations may not be your thing. Try collecting business intelligence and prospects through MapBusinessOnline business listings, and find out how much more you’ll learn about your marketplace.


Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and then download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra, or g2crowd.

Contact: Geoffrey Ives or Jason Henderson








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A New List of Handy Tips

Every so often I like to write about common questions that come up while tech supporting Map Business Online. Perhaps this list could save all of us a phone call or chat or two. So below is a list of common hiccups and fixes that occur among Map Business Online users. The most common reported issues seem to shift over time while some reoccurring issues remain like confusion over Point ZIP codes.

Where’s my legend?

Map Legend’s help your business map viewer understand your map. Map Legend on/off and editing controls are located in Map & Data – Edit Map Properties. You’ll see the controls in the lower section of the first panel you land on. Be sure to check the box for Show Map Legend, and the then Update Map Legend. Also, check behind the Map &
Data box for your legend. Yup. That happens.

One more thing to check is your Web Browser. If you are using Map Business Online through a web browser, as opposed to the free App for Windows or Macs, you need to set the browser Zoom level to zero. It should not be zoomed in or out. So if you see the setting at -90% or +110%, adjust that web browser zoom to 0%.

Remember to use Map & Data to adjust your map’s look and feel. By hovering over any map layer you can change border line color and thickness, fill controls for color, transparency, and on/off, label sizes and colors, and many other settings for your map.  Map & Data provides controls for imported data layers too such as data formatting (phone number vs. numeric), point callouts, and symbol sizes and colors.

Your Team Administrator Left the Company

If your Map Business Online team admin is leaving the company or the department, you may need to change administrative control of Map Business Online.  Try to do it before they leave. Have them use the Account link to associate the subscription with a new email address. That is the easy way.

Please remember, the person who takes over any Team accounts will very likely lose their own maps. If you want the new admin to maintain access to maps, email us. If the current admin has already left the company and access to their email address is not possible, email us. Due to privacy restraints, we must be very cautious about administrator changes. We’ll get you there, but we’ll need to talk about your map requirements and get your company approvals to make changes

I Can’t Find My ZIP Code

I write about this a lot, because users panic about missing ZIP codes a lot. It turns out that ZIP codes are more complicated then we were all led to believe as kids. Your ZIP codes are there, you just need to understand how point and boundary ZIP codes are displayed and used within Map Business Online. Read more here.

I Can’t Edit My Sales Territories

Territory editing in Map Business Online is pretty straight forward and fast. Select a ZIP code or county with your cursor, choose the Puzzle Piece Button on the Mini-toolbar and Edit away. Most often an inability to edit territories is a result of using the Filter Data on Map function to isolate a territory. The business map user probably got interrupted or didn’t turn off the filter, which turns off editing. Go to Map & Data and hover your cursor over the Territory Layer. Click Edit Map Properties. In the first panel notice the Filter Data on Map check box. You will probably find the Filter Data box checked on – uncheck it. If it’s not checked here, check the other Map Layers to see if ZIP codes or Counties were filtered in the same way.

Complex Territory Heirarchies

The Map Business Online Website is Down

It’s possible, but rare. Although we did experience an issue last month, it does not occur often. Other issues that could stop Map Business Online from working include ISP issues. Sometimes local Internet providers have problems. Your business’s IT department may be doing some WiFi work or adjusting Firewall controls.  Please double check with IT depts. in case they are changing things or installing a new doohickey.

My Maps are Gone!

Sometimes first-time users save a map and then can’t find it. Generally, if you been using the same machine, Map Business Online will remember your map view when you log-in again. But that’s a cached image in your web browser not a saved map. Be sure to click the Save Map button (Floppy Disc Icon) on the Master Toolbar, to save a map. To access saved maps, click the Green File Folder button on the left side of the master toolbar. That is your stored map library.

And when you save your map, pay attention to the save map dialogue. You should consider saving you map in the  My Template Folder, as opposed to the My Maps folder. The My Template folder is the place to store maps you do not want to lose by having the file name changes, or the map inadvertently deleted. Try this process for important maps:

  1. Name and Save as a My Template Map
  2. When required for more work or sharing, open the My Template map and save it with a new name in the My Maps folder
  3. Edit as required and resave in My Maps

In this way, your master territory maps, or critical business maps are protected.

My Account is Blocked

Relax, it will reset shortly. Give it about 15 minutes or email us and during business houses we can reset it right away. While you wait, review that password and make sure Cap Locks is not set to on.

I Can’t See through the ZIP Code Layer to the Map Background

Map Business Online lets the user check map layers like ZIP codes and states, on and off in the Map and Data box. All layers are initially set to opaque – you can’t see through them. Simply hover your mouse over the Map and Data map layer in question and click the Edit Map Properties Button. Let’s imagine it is the ZIP code layer. In that first panel you will find map look and feel controls such as:

  • Border color and thickness
  • Fill color
  • A fill transparency scroll bar – move this bar to the right to expose the map background
  • Other cool stuff

Contacting Map Business Online

If you require assistance there are multiple ways to reach us:

Quick questions about the product, purchasing Map Business Online, or simple technical question can be handled through our Chat system. You’ll find the lime green icon in the lower right of the website. Take it for a spin.

Lastly, here’s a link to our most helpful and most watched tutorial videos.

More complex questions may require email support. Click the Contact button and choose your pathway in:

  • Ask a question, provide feedback
  • Request a web demo
  • Complain or threaten

You can also call the 800 number 800-425-9035.

Win a $20 Gift Card! Refer a business associate to Map Business Online in exchange for a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

America’s best geo mapping software.

Find out why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.  Discover Map Business Online – tools for making maps, made by map makers.

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A Word About ZIP Codes – ZIP5, ZIP3, ZCTA, and Points

To build a ZIP Code Map using MapBusinessOnline click this link & register

MapBusinessOnline includes a map layer of ZIP5 codes for spatial reference to ZIP code boundaries.  US Postal Service (USPS) ZIP code boundaries are used as the basis for territory construction.  By applying MapBusinessOnline map layers like ZIP5 codes, states, and counties as the basis for territory construction, MapBusinessOnline can incorporate data into territory analysis views. Analysis that might include demographic categories or user-imported data.

MapBusinessOnline Standard subscriptions also include access to ZIP3 or 3-digit ZIP codes through the Add Map Layer button.  3 digit ZIP codes represent larger areas around the nation.  A 3-digit ZIP code is simply the first three digits of a 5-digit ZIP code. So for Massachusetts, the 3-digit ZIP code numbers would include 021 and 019. The 5-digit ZIP code where I grew up was 01966. Go Vikings!

3 Digit ZIP Codes






Census ZCTA ZIP Codes

First-time MapBusinessOnline users will note that the ZIP code layer delivered with a new subscription is set to the default of ZCTA ZIP codes from the US Census Bureau. ZCTA stands for ZIP Code Tabulation Area. A business mapping software user can change the ZCTA layer to the USPS standard ZIP5 Code layer by clicking the Map Options Gear in the Map & Data toolbar. Choose the ZIP Code tab and the Drop Down to USPS ZIP Codes With Fillers. CTA ZIP codes will provide more accurate estimates for specific Census categories.

Learn More About ZIP Code Mapping Using MapBusinessOnline

ZIP Codes with Fillers

We recommend selecting the USPS ZIP codes with fillers because that ZIP5 code map layer option will automatically accommodate national parks and other areas where ZIP5 codes do not exist. This avoids creating many mysterious territory holes in your business map, especially out west where national parks are a certified thing. So if you notice your sales territory maps have white spaces in them, the fill isn’t consistent, it is probably from a lack of fillers. Remember, if you do change to ZIP5 codes with Fillers the fix is not retroactive. You will have to reconstruct your sales territories to fix those holes.

ZCTA ZIP code and USPS ZIP5 code boundaries generally reflect identical boundaries.  But there can be some differences. ZCTA is a Census Bureau version of ZIP codes used to tabulate census data. ZCTA ZIPs are more closely aligned with Census block areas, where the USPS postal codes focus more on mail delivery and other USPS concerns.  ZCTA ZIPs are designed to focus on populated areas. Rural areas may not have associated ZCTA ZIP codes. Read more about ZCTA ZIP codes here.

MapBusinessOnline first included ZCTA Census-based ZIP codes because they are freely available from the Census Bureau, making them appropriate for use with our free 1-month trial of the product.

ZIP5 Boundaries vs. Points

ZIP5 codes are generally attributed to the US Postal Service. USPS ZIP codes in Map Business Online map layers are boundary ZIP codes.  MapBusinessOnline boundary ZIP codes are used to create territories and areas of interest. A ZIP Code radius search of a ZIP code layer returns a collection of boundary ZIP codes for export.

Point ZIP Codes over Boundary ZIP Codes

Point ZIP5 codes represent large USPS mail stops for big facilities like military installations, hospitals, assisted living centers, or skyscrapers.  The USPS ZIP Code list includes 33,353 boundary ZIP codes and 7,638 point ZIP codes as of this writing. A complete list of Boundary and Point ZIP codes is exportable from the ZIp5 Code layer in the Data Window view. The ZIp data is also available in the MapBusinessOnline Public Data from the Server, accessed through the Plot Data button on the master toolbar. Read more about Boundary and Point ZIPs.

A common question from MapBusinessOnline potential users is, “How do I map my ZIP codes?” While all this ZIP code information may feel a little overwhelming, please remember that ZIP codes are a man-made organizing tool to help deliver mail efficiently. ZTCA is a twist on that tool to help the Census Bureau compile data, and boundary and point ZIP codes simply differentiate areas from large buildings.  With all that in mind, go build yourself a ZIP code map.

Remember, for sharing your ZIP code map your non-subscribing map viewers can now download the Map App for free and access a free Map Viewer App that automatically launches MapBusinessOnline from your emailed MapShare link.


Discover why over 25,000 business users log into for their business mapping software and advanced sales territory mapping solution. The best replacement for Microsoft MapPoint happens to be the most affordable.

To access MapBusinessOnline, please register and download the Map App from the website –

After installing the Map App, the MapBusinessOnline launch button will be in the Windows Start Menu or Mac Application folder. Find the MapBusinessOnline folder in the Start Menu scrollbar. Click the folder’s dropdown arrow and choose the MapBusinessOnline option.

The Map App includes the Map Viewer app for free non-subscriber map sharing.

Please read customer reviews or review us at Capterra or g2crowd.

Contact: Geoffrey Ives at or Jason Henderson at

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